╌ 🍥 ꒱꒱✦ chapter 38

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- nora, cindy and tima are scheduled to hang out on saturday (2 days from this chapter's timeframe)
- nora and tima are hanging out while cindy and thais were doing their debut stuff
- nora is contemplating whether she should go to therapy or not (due to twitter scandal and home issues)
- thais has made her debut!

——————— a day before thais had debuted, chapter 34!

in the end when tima had sent that text on her supposedly secret and totally not romantic ice skating hangout, nora had accepted anyway. she thought that since it was quite late at night, tima probably had those woozy night time craziness.

she can't blame tima honestly, nora gets a little out of hand at night time too.

lying in her bed with circulating thoughts, she relaxed further into the melted mattress and wondered when tima was going to at least answer her "yeah sure why not?"

its been about thirty minutes.

as her eyes lifted and closed again in a repeated motion, each time taking longer to re-open once again. she was getting tired from grieving continuously, the mattress felt like it was taking her whole with the warmth and comfort that she desperately needed at this time.

her heart ached just thinking about it, her eyes were as red as her bleeding heart that had been ripped out by the deaths of her family. or half of her family.

not hearing her sister obnoxiously scream and burst into her room sometimes, or her mum scolding her about something as insignificant as not cleaning up her bed.

realising that, once you lose something, you realise how valuable it truly was.

ugh, now she felt a wet patch near her cheeks. she sat up with a tremble and wiped it away with her sweater. she had to distract herself. if grieving was something you could die from, nora would be in her coffin by now.


'about damn time,' nora scoffed, angrily wiping her patchy eyes as the bright light smeared all over her. she squints slightly to adjust to the increase of lighting and tapped onto tima's message.

"i was thinkingggg that we should go racecar driving~ i booked us two sessions and i've heard from a frw friends its really fun!
ignore rhat

nora stifled a chuckle before her fingers quickly typed up a reply. racecar driving? that sounded wonderful, it would easily take her mind off things and she'd get to race people. that in itself sounded appealing.

"that sounds so fun wtf
yeah lets go 😍"

nora was slightly excited, at first she sort of thought that tima was a little attached to her but that thought dissipated when she heard the mention of going out. 

it was enough motivation for nora to lift herself up from bed and start getting ready. it was really hot outside and that was just how australia worked its weather. she begrudgingly made her way towards her closet filled with her shades of black clothes. she opened it with a slight familiar creak and her hands snaked inside to find something nice to wear.

she had a vision for her outfit, a grey graphic tee shirt with some picture and a couple of white words woven into it, black cargo pants with not too many chains and dinkies clipped onto them. she took a plain black cap and crowned it on top of her head. she didn't really need anything aside from her black bag that hung over her shoulder.

she took her keys that were stuffed in her work desk's drawer. her eyes looking towards the exit of her bedroom, she didn't want to face her father right about now.

'i should have moved out when i had the chance,' nora thought to herself, sighing as the mere thought of her father most likely getting angry over something as trivial as this. 'its not like i've done this before,'

opening up her bedroom window, she threw a glance at the bedroom door before sliding one of her long legs out, she then sort of realised she left her shoes at the front door but she'll find some outside of the door hopefully. nora dipped her head under and moved the rest of her body outside, stumbling from the weight of gravity.

'well these socks are ruined, yuck,' nora watched as her black socks were soiled from the pavement. she was on the side of her house and the pavement was built to go towards their backyard but nora needed to go to the front door so, she tip toed her way towards the front door but not before closing her bedroom window with a low shut.

she reached up the steps of the front door and slipped on her converse shoes which were cutely patterned. her hand slipped into the pockets of her cargo, pulling out her phone with ease and turned it on with a smile on her face. tima was on her way with a couple of snacks since she thought nora might like some.

nora felt a buttery feeling in her heart, her worries eased from her fingertips as she texted a small reply that just said something along the lines of "alright."

she stepped out of the house's boundaries and walked towards the street, buzzing with some type of excitement. it would be her first time ever racecar driving. nora opened the gate of the house and stepped outside, coincidentally a breeze blew behind her and her cap somehow toppled off the top of her head.

she was too late to react, watching as the cap had a little airtime before fluttering onto the ground with a clack, she groaned with a furrowed expression and cursed the hot wind before walking over towards the lonely hat and bending over to pick it up.

her hand was outreached, what her eyes failed to notice was another hand diving in to pick up the hat as well. nora definitely knew that wasn't her hand and snatched it up in an instant, eyes snapping towards whoever the person was that was picking up her hat.

her eyes locked with the familiar jade eyes, pupils with a bouncy spark that nora knew only belonged to her and her only. the sun was behind nora and had given the culprit a soft morning glow. nora stood up in an instant and so did tima.

"oh, i was going to call out to you but your hat fell off," tima's voice rang out to nora.

"ah, the summer wind just wanted to steal my cap," the taller excused, waving it off.

"so, do you want to go racecar driving now?" tima asked, a painted smile on her lips and a playful glint behind her eyes. nora shared the contagious smile with an eager nod, readjusting her cap on top of her head.

they climbed in the car and their forty minute ride was as easy as an ocean riding out its waves. the car ride wasn't boring, not at all. not even a single second passed by without a humorous conversation.


ok bye ill disappear for another year  

Pythagoras ThreesomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon