• second chances •

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It's a Saturday afternoon, Katrina's out with the girls while I decided to stay home. Since Colby and I talked we've been texting regularly and calling but I'm trying to not get too close to him until he's proven himself.

Talking of Colby, while I'm lying in bed a call is displayed on my phone lock screen; from Colby. I answered almost straight away, Colby's face was now displayed on my screen; a wide smile was etched onto his face.

"Hey!" I smiled while sitting up in bed, Colby smiled back at me. "Hey, what are you doing right now?" Colby asked suspiciously, my eyebrows raised in intrigue. "Nothing much as it is 4:30 pm." I laughed while answering, and Colby lightly laughed.

"Great, would you like to meet up in 20?" Colby wondered, I pondered for a moment, how would I get there? "I'll pick you up," Colby exclaimed as if he had read my mind. "Yeah, why not?" I responded while walking over to the wardrobe where some of my clothes hung up. "Perfect, see you soon love," Colby exclaimed before ending the call. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the pet name.

I exhaled slowly, calming my beating heart. I looked through my clothes before picking out worn-out blue jeans and a black knitted jumper. I placed some silver jewellery on and tied it on my black Converse.

I sprayed some 'Moonlight' by Ariana Grande and redid my hair into a simple ponytail. I smiled at my outfit in the mirror before checking the time on my phone; 4:45 p.m.

Only 5 minutes, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch; waiting for Colby. By the time I had scrolled through a few of my friend's Instagram stories, I heard a knock at the door.

I jumped up from the couch and opened the door, Colby stood there with a bouquet of my favourite flowers; tulips. My cheeks burned up and I knew for a fact that a pink tinge of blush was on my face. "Hey gorgeous, ready to go?" Colby asked patiently, passing me the beautiful flowers.

"Thank you for the flowers! And yes I'm ready to go." I smiled before turning around back into the apartment to put the flowers into a vase. Once I had found a vase I poured water into it and placed the stunning tulips inside. I grabbed my purse and walked over to Colby, We walked hand in hand while leaving the apartment.

We walked to his car, once we approached the car; he opened the door for me. I softly giggled at his try of being a gentlemen, it was cute. "Wow! What a gentlemen!" I teased before getting into the car. Colby chuckled at my teasing comment and closed the passenger door softly before walking around the car and jumping in to the drivers side. Once Colby was in the car, he placed the car into drive and we were off.

We had been driving for at least 15 minutes, listening to my music. The sun was beginning to go down slowly as we drove. I begun to wonder where we were going until we took a left on Glanton Road, that exact left leads you to the beach and a large smile etched onto my face, so big i couldn't control it.

I glanced down at my phone for what feels like a moment and by the time I had looked back up, the car was parked at the beach. I couldn't control my happiness. Watching the sunset on my favourite beach! How much better could this get?

Colby once again opened the door for me and we walked hand in hand down the ramp to the crashing sound of waves. Once we got down the ramp I had saw a blanket down on the soft sand with a picnic basket and candles. In that second my heart melted, Colby was really trying and it my made me so unbelievably happy.

As we walked closer, I faintly heard our playlist playing and my heart almost stopped. He thought so much into this and it was adorable. Colby leaded me over to the blanket and we sat down just as the sun was going down across the water, reflecting. This was perfect.

I glanced at the water, the crashing waves, the sound of seagulls chirping and the smell of fresh salt-ridden water filled my senses. When I glanced back at Colby he was holding a white box that looked like a jewellery box.

He got me a present?

"This is for you, Amora." Colby weakly smiled, handing me the box. I opened the box, eager to see what was inside. A silver necklace sat in the box with a small note next to it.


Amora Brielle Webber
With this necklace,
I promise to be your side.
I promise to never leave you like I did so cowardly.
I promise to not hurt you like I once did.
I promise to be a new person for you.
I love you.


With tears now in my eyes, blinding my vision slightly. I placed the necklace in my hands, engraved was our initials.


I glanced up at Colby who grinned lightly at my reaction, I smiled brightly at him and hugged him tight. He hugged me back, even tighter.

As we hugged on the beach, I whispered slightly into his ear. "Thank you, for everything." I murmured lovingly while I burrowed my face into his neck. Colby lightly chuckled at my words. "No, thank you Amora." He replied.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked, instantly growing quiet. I pulled away from the hug in shock. I looked at him, slightly giggling. "Are you kidding? Of course you are!" I laughed lightly.

Colby sighed and lightly chuckled. Without warning, I kissed Colby. He instantly kissed me back wrapping his arms around my figure, oh how I missed his hands on me and his soft lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands in his full brown hair.

I missed him so much.

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