• tension •

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My head is aching and i see brightness even though my eyes are shut tight. Loud voices are coming from downstairs, I decided that i'm not going to get anymore sleep and opened my eyes.

I looked down to my fully naked body and shock flew through me instantly. Holy fuck, what did I do last night?

I looked to my right to see an also naked, sleeping Colby and all of a sudden; it clicks. I jumped out of his bed faster than ever and pulled on sweatpants and a hoodie, I settled back into his bed and woke him.

Colby jolted awake while i clawed at his shoulder, "Amora, what the fuck are you doing?" He groaned tiredly. "Do you know what we did, Colby?" I questioned seriously, I cannot believe i have just had sex with my brothers best friend.

"Yeah, we had sex." He stated bluntly while rolling back over on his side. Thank god i'm on the pill, I hit him hard on the back and he cursed in pain. "Oh my fucking god, what have i done." I squeaked to myself. "It's fine Amora we-" He started but i stopped him right in his track.

"Its fine? Not Colby it's not fine!" I shouted "This cannot happen!" I declared while jumping out of his bed with my phone and clothes from yesterday. Colby looked up at me confused but he also looked hurt.

"Why not?" He asked puzzled, I sighed deeply and sat back down on his bed. "You're my brothers best friend, Colby." I whispered. Colby scoffed while propping himself up on his elbows.

"Y'know we can just keep it a secret?" He stated as if it was obvious. "I couldn't do that to Jake, Colby!" I hissed back at him while standing back up from the bed.

"So you're just going to leave me, like that?" He remarked harshly. I sighed lightly "There was nothing between us, Colby." I responded truly. Colby chuckled with an annoyed smirk plastered on his face.  "Get the fuck out then." He affirmed; pointing at the door.

I gasped quietly, his mood can change so quick. I head for the door and sneaked back to my room before anyone can see me.


The whole day was filled of tension between Colby and I. I didn't understand why he felt so hurt? He knew for a fact there'd be a problem because i was Jake's sister.

Sam called us down soon after Colby told me to leave his room and stated we were filming a youtube video at an abandoned military camp. I loved filming youtube videos with them but today was not one of those days.


We all loaded into Sam's car by 1:45pm and were on our way. I was wearing Nike pro shorts, a oversized hoodie and black converse. Sam was driving, Jake was in the passengers seat and Colby was in between Corey and I. I kept my distance from their conversations and looked outside the window or scrolled on my phone.

However, whenever Colby would slightly touch me even by mistake; butterflies erupted and would flutter around my stomach. Is there something between us?

After an hour of Sam driving we arrived at the camp, it was caved in by hundreds maybe even thousands of trees and bush. You could only see the very top of the building through the trees, Sam and Colby got their equipment out and began to film their intro. They introduced us to the camera and then we began walking into the forest.

Sam and Colby were in the front leading the way while Jake, Corey and I trailed behind. I made small talk to Corey while we got hit in the face with branches and twigs. Corey was telling me about his first experience with the paranormal when he slipped in mud and fell face first into dirt.

I have never laughed so hard, I think there was actual tears in my eyes. After laughing about his fall for a good minute, I helped him up and we kept going. I think we even caught his fall on camera, Sorry Corey but that's staying in.
After walking through the thick muddy forest we could see the camp, Sam told the history of the camp while we went through thick and dense thicket. As I pushed through the tall thicket, i felt a deep sting at my cheek. I hissed at the pain and touched my cheek.

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