• moving in •

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Moving day.

I'm moving into my very own house today and it truly doesn't feel real, a house that i payed for with my own money and i'm moving in with my best friends.

I never imagined that when I would move to La that in just a couple of months of living there i'd been in my own home. Just thinking about it shocked me. I really have came far.

From the anxious, miserable teen who was terrified of disappointment and failure. Since then she now knows her loved ones will always have her back, the now adult who is living a joyful life with her friends, family, and significant other is no longer afraid of failure and disappointment.


As I looked out the window from my window upstairs, a moving truck was parked in the driveway. I sighed nervously as I know knew it was finally time, thankfully I'm not doing this alone. Jake jumped out of the drivers side of the big and overbearing truck, He began walking back inside. Surprisingly Jake was permitted to drive this goddamn monstrosity which scared as he can barely drive normally.

Everything was finally packed after a period of almost two weeks. Colby and I were upstairs carrying boxes from my room that were supposed to be downstairs.

As Colby picked up an box, he instantly dropped it back down. "Jesus, Amora!" Colby remarked, very surprised. "What the fuck do you have in these boxes, a dead body?" He asked seriously while I laughed at his comment, "That's my makeup box" I smiled sheepishly. Colby stared at me in confusion, He then scoffed, (probably at the fact of how much of my money makeup brands have) before he walked down the stairs with the box. I giggled once again and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Colby smiling as he walked away.

I took one last look around my room because it had served as my home for a while. I'm pleased it was, though. I'm so fortunate to know such wonderful, compassionate people. They've took great care of me that I'll always look back on and appreciate.

As I admired my old room, Corey came up the stairs and caught me. "Stop pretending you're in those corny, sad movies when the main character leaves." Corey chuckled as he walked toward me, I sadly smiled and gave a polite laugh. Corey placed his arms around my shoulders and squeezed reassuringly, "Don't worry, we're not going anywhere." Corey reassured while giving me a bright smile, I sighed. Corey was right, I'd always have them.

I smiled and side-hugged Corey. "Thanks Corey, for everything." I whispered politely while hugging him. "No problem, kid." He replied in his funny western accent which made my eyes roll every time. I chuckled as I let go of him and rolled my eyes. I picked up my last box and went downstairs.


I placed my last box into the truck, i walked back and thought. 'shit. you've got a lot of fucking stuff!' But oh well. You can never have too much of something, I closed the roller doors of the truck and locked it.

I walked back inside. Sam, Corey and Jake are on the couch puffed out from their 'daily workout' they called which really just meant picking up my boxes and putting them in the truck. "That's the truck done!" I smiled cheerfully, that was the first step. "Thank god-" they all said in unison, I laughed at their 'over it' mood.

"Are we ready to go?" Sam asked. I looked at him and nodded, it was time. Jake and Corey rode in the truck while Sam, Colby and I took my car. Sam went outside and started up the car while I stayed inside, looking around one last final time even though I'll probably be here again by tomorrow.

Familiar arms snaked around my waist. "I'm proud of you." Colby whispered into the crook of my neck, I turned around, facing him and hooked my arms around his neck. "I'm proud of me too." I smiled while he chuckled lightly.

"I love you, Amora." Colby replied, out of the blue. My heart stopped for just a second and dramatically dropped to my stomach before replying. "I love you more than you know." I insisted while I pulled him in and kissed him, he squeezed my waist teasingly and kissed back.

I can't wait for this new chapter of my life.

Colby broke the kiss and hugged me while kissing the top of my head. "lets go, sam's waiting." Colby muffled into my hair. I nodded, we walked to the front door hand-in-hand. We walked out and don't look back.

We get into my car, Sam's driving and i'm in the back with Colby. The whole time Sam drove; Colby held my hand and didn't let go. I placed my head on his shoulder.


It was a 14 minute drive to the house, which was great for Colby and I. We parked in the driveway, as soon as I saw the girls at the front door, I hopped out. Running over to them excitedly, we all fell into a group hug and I've never been happier to share a home with these crazy girls.

After our group hug, the girls helped get my boxes inside, Colby helped me unpack which I was grateful as I would've never been able to do myself. My bed, desk and drawers were shipped here last week and were already built which was a relief. All I had to do now decorate and place everything in the way that i want it, which is weird to say because i've never had the right to decorate the way i want. It was a new freedom that I should've had a long time ago but nonetheless I began to decorate my room.


Almost two hours later, Colby and I were done. My room was looking perfect and just the way I imagined it which made me overly happy. We ordered pizza and the girls, Colby and I watched a movie in the living room. The boys went home a few hours ago but Colby decided to stay for my first night.

After the movie Colby and I went to my room, it was getting late and we were drifting off to sleep but were having those pointless talks that go absolutely nowhere.

I was almost asleep when Colby piped up. "Amora.?" Colby yawned. "Mhm?" I replied. He stopped talking, as if its too much to say which made me curious. "I want you to meet my family." Colby murmured quiet as ever. Once the words fall out of his mouth, my eyes go from almost closing to wide away. I turned to him instantly and even in the dark I could see he was smiling.

"Wait-" I say shocked "Really?" I whisper-shouted. He nodded his head truthfully but still tiredly. Holy fuck. He must be really tired to come out with that.

Does he really mean it? I mean, i've been wanting to meet his family for a while. I've almost been in Los Angeles for a year but I still had the feeling deep down that It was too early to be mentioning family and meeting them.

"Colby-" i tried speaking to him, but his eyes were already closed and he was lightly snoring. Although in his tiredness he was still able to pull me in closer and put his arm around my waist protectively. I continued to overthink throughout the night until my mind couldn't no more.

I know it's not a big deal to others to meet someone's parents, but to someone who lived in a household, who couldn't have people over because they were embarrassed of where and how they lived their everyday life; It means a lot.


I dared to think, what if they didn't like me?
What if i'm not good enough for him?
What if i'm not what they want for him?
What if i'm just not enough?


A tear rolled down my cheek, I squeezed my eyes shut. Not opening them even once and soon enough I fell asleep. I wasn't scared of failure as I was in my teenage years but now scared of not being good enough in my adult years.

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