• airport •

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Sometime last night I fell asleep however it's all a blur. When I woke up this morning, Jake had sent me my ticket and my booking details. I was to be at the airport by 11:30 for my flight at 12:30. I checked my old alarm clock that surprisingly still worked, the time was 10:15.

I groaned into my pillow and forced myself to rise from my bed, I had to confront my parents about the news, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel sick to my stomach but as I had said before, this option was final. My hand silently wrapped around the door handle as I pushed the stiff door open. My feet tiptoed on the wooden floors to the kitchen. I was met with bottle and cans of all kinds of alcohol spread around the room and the noise of my father, snoring on the couch. 

 I wanted to make this quick as possible, I woke up my father from his slumber with only a slap to the face as a repercussion and then walked down the hallway to my mother's room. Once I was able to persuade her to leave the room with only minimal shouting from her, I walked her out to the living room. However she then met my father eyes, they both sent a sneer of disgust to each other before my mother sat down next to him, a distasteful look painted on her face. 

"Amora what are you doing?" My mum stated annoyed. I took in a deep breath and exhaled, there was no going back now. "I needed to tell you both what is going to happen and you can't change my mind." I sternly stated. My parents both stared at me, confused.

"I'm leaving for Los Angeles, I'm going to live with Jake." I sighed. There was a pregnant pause in the room, everything and everyone went silent. It was like the world stopped. For once in my life, the house was peaceful again until everything became loud.

Laughter roared from their throats and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets at my intrepidity. "You think you can leave us? Without us you're nothing! You brat!" My father shouted straight in my face, a small laugh falling from his lips. "You can't seriously be thinking about this Amora! How stupid can you be! We're your parents!" Mum shouted, probably even louder than Dad. I kept a straight face, my face twitched at the fact that I couldn't laugh but I kept emotionless until they were done. 

I chuckled, "You've got not right to call yourselves my parents." "You've controlled my life since i was able to walk!" I shouted, finally loosing my temper after years of keeping my mouth shut. "You can't keep me here forever, no matter what you do! You may think that I'm nothing without you but really, without you I'm everything I need to be and that's free." I roared with pure rage. "All you are to me is the same blood however you're most certainly not my family." I screamed in their faces, not feeling the least bit of remorse.

The house once again fell quiet, but thankfully this time for longer. The horror on their faces were priceless and most certainly memorable. Now they know how i felt all these years; fucking hurt and worthless. I gave them both one more final glance and left the room to begin packing my belongings and to get dressed.


I've never been more glad to say goodbye to my childhood home. The memories here will forever be tucked away in the back of my head, locked away and forever locked away, not to be seen ever again. With one final breath my hand grabbed the handle of my suitcase, rolling it to the front door. 

I see my mother and father sneering at each other in the kitchen, they glanced at me with gloomed, hurt eyes but they stayed quiet, not even a mumbled word could be heard from them. I sauntered out the door without another glance their way and then I slammed the front door as hard as I could.

Once I reached outside, my hand reached into my hoodie pocket. I took out my phone and I ordered a taxi. Within minutes the taxi arrived, thankfully I didn't have to stand outside for too long. I could feel their stares on the back of my head from the window. The taxi stopped and I hopped in. My air pods were placed in my ears comfortably while 'Pretty Boy' by 'The Neighbourhood' played. My comfort song.

Within a blink of an eye, I was standing outside the entrance of the airport. Without a look back to Kansas, my feet impatiently moved me inside. With my suitcase and shoulder bag in hand, I was ready to embark on a new adventure. My eyes glanced down to my watch, it was 12:00 on the dot. "Perfect timing" I sighed with a smile and also a sigh of relief.

Goodbye Kansas, Hello Los Angeles.!

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