• drunk calls •

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It was friday night, 2:47am to be exact. I was in bed watching Netflix; trying to fall asleep but obviously couldn't. I'd been trying for hours to fall asleep but just couldn't.

Since Jake found out about Colby and I, I haven't been able to sleep. Sometimes I get lucky and I'm able to fall asleep but then I still wake up tired; My sleeping patterns are aggravating and confusing.

Although, Jake and I are now on good terms I still have to figure out things with Colby. Which will be difficult and definitely not easy but I won't give up until I try.

My Netflix show slowly blurs out and is now background sound, my eyes bit by bit flutter closed until I'm lightly snoring. I'm thankful that I'm getting my deserved sleep, well.

That was before my phone violently vibrated next to me and blasted out my ringtone. I woke up instantly and checked my phone, although I was still half-asleep I didn't recognise the number. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and answered when I probably shouldn't of.

I placed my phone to my ear, music blasted through the phone and I could hear shouting as well as multiple people talking. I checked the time on my phone; 2:55am. Who would be calling me at this time?

"Hello? Who is this?" I questioned the person on the other side of the phone, however there was no reply back. Just as I'm about to hang up; a familiar voice started talking into the phone. "Amora! Is that you?" Colby shouted into the speaker. His speaking was slurred and he was taking longer to answer me; I instantly knew he was drunk.

Once his voice came over my loudspeaker, I froze entirely and didn't know what to do next. My mouth was dry and suddenly the tiny hairs on my arms rose up. I stuttered before replying back to him. "Colby, why are you calling me?" I asked, sitting up in my bed coming to my senses.

"Amora! I miss you so much, why aren't you here with me?" Colby whined through the phone drunk. I groaned internally at his words knowing what he said wasn't actually true but a part of me wished they were. "Amora, please come pick me up, I don't know how to get home!' He murmured tiredly into the phone; a yawn followed after his sentence.


I shouldn't go pick him up but I shouldn't leave him either, especially if he doesn't know how to get home. I sighed tensely but hopped out of bed putting on a random hoodie and my shoes, "I'll come get you, do you know where you are right now?" I asked quietly while slipping out of the spare room and into the open-planed kitchen and living room.

"Thank you my angel, I'm at..Cinderwood Road." Colby slurred back to me, my heart skipped a beat when he called me his angel but I tried to ignore it. I picked up Kat's keys and walked out the front door, opening it painfully slow so it wouldn't make as much noise. Once I got outside I closed the door and walked down the stairs to the apartment parking. "I'm on my way, try and stay awake for me okay?" I stated while I'm on the last flight of stairs. "Okay, Stay awake; got it." Colby yawned.

All of sudden, Colby's phone disconnected; ending the call.


I reached Kat's car and hopped in, I placed the key into the ignition and the car roared. Once I put Colby's location onto google maps, I drive off into the night. As I drive I can't believe how stupid this is, I could be in bed right now but Instead I'm driving my ass to Colby; the things I do for this boy.

Luckily, Cinderwood Road isn't too far from Kat's apartment or Colby's place. Especially at this time, instead of it taking me 12 minutes; It takes me less than 5 minutes. I keep driving and after what feels like a millisecond I've arrived. I see the house instantly; It's mobbed; inside and out.

I glanced from person to person, looking for Colby. That's when I see a hunched over person sitting on the curb and I instantly knew It was Colby. I jumped out of the car and walked over to Colby, I perched down next to him and nudged his shoulder. After a moment his head rocked back up tiredly, looking at me; his eyes were red, droopy and glossy.

Once he realised it was me, his eyes widened and a smile swept upon his face. "Amora! You actually camee!" Colby laughed intoxicated, his veiny arms wrapped around my figure as he hugged into me. My cheeks blushed a bright red but couldn't be seen by the dimmed street lights.

I slowly wrapped my arm around his broad shoulders. "Hey! Let's get you to the car." I exclaimed while awkwardly patting him on the back. I stood up and left my hand out for him to grab, he smiled tipsily and grabbed my hand.

As I pulled him up from the curb, he stumbled but gained balance. I held his hand and led him to Kat's car, I opened the back car door and ushered him in. He looked back to me as he sat in the back, "I don't get to sit in the front with you?" He asked confused as if he was hurt.

I nodded awkwardly before closing the car door as I walked to the driver's side and hopped in. I put the car in gear and began to drive, putting on low background music. I knew the way to his house by heart; not needing any directions.

While driving, the lights turned amber and I wasn't going to get through. I sped up and went over the line just before the lights turned red. A sigh came from my mouth while Colby lightly chuckled at my reckless driving.

"Naughty girl." He muttered drunkly while closing his eyes, I slightly giggled at his words. "My naughty girl." He smirked while readjusting himself in the back. My cheeks once again turned a bright red but this time was bright as day.

I tried to forget what he had just said but it haunted me in the back of my head. I kept driving, nearly at his house until I almost hit the breaks at the next thing he said. "Y'know, I miss us being together. Even if it was secretly." He muttered to me while falling asleep in the back of the car.

My heart beated with pain at his words. "No you don't." I replied quietly, the car was filled with tension and awkwardness. It was quiet for a moment until Colby piped up again, "That girl in my bed, meant nothing to me." He stated which sounded truthful. "I didn't even touch her, I swear." He declared drunkly.

Thats where he hit a dead end, she was fully naked in his bed and he has the audacity to say he didn't have anything to do with that? Sure you didn't.

"Colby, just stop." I uttered angrily while parking in his driveway, I kept my hands on the wheel; waiting for Colby to get out on his own. "I love you, Amora." He whispered and thats when I had enough, he's drunk I know that but know he just playing with my fucking feelings.

"Stop. You're drunk." I replied with no emotion on view, however on the inside I felt like crying for hours on end. This shit hurts like fucking hell. "Drunk words are sober thoughts, Amora." Colby murmured before getting out of the car and walking up to his front door.

He opened the door without looking back, once the door was closed; I reversed and the tears flowed down my cheeks while I drove. The one thing on my mind were his last words.

Drunk words are sober thoughts.

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