Wyte Wyrm |chapter 31|

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About an hour later, I met up with Joaquin's before Archie or Kevin could. "Hey Kathrine. When you called, I was a bit surprised. What's up?" He said, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stopping on it. "I wanted to talk to you about the deal you have with Andrews," I told him.

"Archie? Yeah about it?"He said, barring his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "I don't care if it was a Serpent who attacked me. I don't want bad press on them. They already get blamed for things that they don't do. This would just be the icing on the cake," I explained.

"So what do you want me to do?" He said, running his fingers through his hair. "When we get into the bar, find some way to tell Jones' dad that we're there. I don't want Andrews to die even though whatever comes to him he totally deserves." "So you want me to stop him?" He confirmed. I nodded. He started to head into the Whyte Wyrm before slightly turning around.

"You know. You definitely look like a south sider," he said, commenting on my outfit. It wants anything stand-out-ish or anything. I was just wearing a dark blue band t-shirt, tucked into a back shirt, and a leather jacket. A few minutes after Joaquin left, he returned, seeming a bit pleased. Sitting there in the parking lot of some bar I wasn't familiar with, with motorcycles coming in and out just seemed a bit weird to me.

"I talked it out with Fp and he's on bored. Everything is set in place," he informed me. I looked over at my shoulder to see Kevin, Moose, and Archie approaching us. After we walked a bit closer to the bar, Joaquin stopped them to give them instructions on what to do. "Play it cool just like we said. Keep eye contact to a minimum. You guys will follow Kathrine and I throughout the bar."

"And Moose, Kathrine, if you see the guys that jumped you we leave and we call Kevin's dad," Archie said, mostly talking to Moose. Joaquin led us into the bar where we saw lots of people of different heights, ages, genders, and style. But what they almost all had in common was the leather jacket they all had on with a green serpent on it.

Then the words, 'Southside Serpents' above and under the snake. It was cool how there were two different snakes. One that looked like a 'S' with heads on both ends, or a snake eating itself. Loud music was playing and it was hard to hear yourself think. Or at least be comfortable in a bar where everyone is staring at you because of the red head and his blue and yellow jacket.

As I looked around, I could see a yellowish snake in a container sitting right next to the bar. After a few moments of looking around. Joaquine suggested that we should go play some pool to look natural. Maybe Kevin, Moose, and I would look natural but Archie couldn't with the jacket. We played a few rounds. Some included bets. Joaquin and me. Joaquin and Kevin. Me and Moose. Moose and Kevin. Archie wasn't all that interested in playing.

Instead he kept a look out because he was a bit paranoid. Plus it wasn't like it made us look suspicious or anything. I kept on smacking my gum as I kept an eye on him. Suddenly, Archie started to approach one of the gang members. Kevin, Joaquin, and I quickly rushed over to stop whatever he was about to start. As the gang member turned around, he spoke a few words to Archie. "Andrews back off!" I demanded. "What the hell is this?" The guy asked Joaquin.

Suddenly after a few words were spoken, the gang member pushed Archie into us. Be sprung after the guy and started to fight. The guy pinned Archie down on to a nearby pool table to intimidate him. But before he could get one good punch in, Jugheads' dad came down from the upstairs of the bar. "Hey! That's enough, Mustang. Let 'em go," he said, parching us.

I stood my Joaquin as they let go of our friends and Archie getting off the table. When Jughead's dad came face to face with Archie, he didn't look too happy to see him. He brought us outside, more angry than I've ever seen him. He let Kevin and Moose go while he held Archie and I back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked Archie. "He was trying to-" then I was cut off. "I'll talk to you later," Jughead's dad said, holding his finger up. "Looking for the things that trashed my dad's equipment. We-" Archie said, before I cut him off. "You. You thought," I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

"I figured it was the Serpents, angry for getting kicked off their land but now that I know you're a Serpent I'm thinking this is personal. Going after my dad, his company, this is payback right? For when he fired you?" He said, raising his voice. "Man, you've got a bigger imagination than Jughead and that saying something," he told him, keeping it quite calm. I started to tune out their conversation then.

But I turned back in when I saw Archie's dad pulling up behind us. I started to tune out once again when Archie and Jugheads dad started to talk about some personal stuff I probably shouldn't probably hear. But when Me. Andrews had left, it was just me and Mr. Jones.

"Mr. Jones I just want to say-" I began. He put his hand out to stop me. "No need to explain Kathrine," he said, putting his hands back into his pocket. "Joaquin told me you came up with the plan to stop Archie. I'm surprised you're not the one to go find the people who attacked you. Why?" "I don't want to side with certain people just because they think they're right. I want both sides. And if one of the Serpents did attack me I don't care. I mean I should but I don't. Because I don't believe it was the Serpents," I explained.

"They already get so much blame for things they don't even do. I was just trying to stop anyone from getting hurt." "I admire your bravery," he said, giving a slight chuckle. "Just like your father."

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