Harsh Beating |chapter 29|

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Moose and I ran over to the place where we felt our stuff to see a person wearing a hood, taking a crow bar, to one of the construction panels. "Hey!" I screamed at the man. Suddenly there were sparks everywhere and there was a second person damaging the panel. "Hey! Get away from there!" Moose exclaimed.

As the two men heard Moose's voice, they started to charge for us. "Mason let's go!" I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him. We ran away as fast as we could but we were too slow. The two men grabbed me and Moose from behind. "Hey let go of us!" Moose yelled. Suddenly a third person came up and knocked me out.

Jughead's POV

A few minutes have passed by, and Moose and Kathrine have not come back yet. Everyone started to get worried, especially me. My hands started to sweat and I couldn't keep still. "Come on man, it's going to be fine," Archie said, running his fingers through his hair. I rub the back of my neck with my hand. "Yeah but what if they aren't," I started to panic. We all started to hear the lights outside flickering and large crashes and screams.

We all started to rush outside to see what made the noise. When we ran to the port of the site that we've been working at all day, we saw some guys hovering over something. When they realized we were there, they placed some tools into the back of a truck and drove away.

Some of the guys who were helping out tried to catch them. When we looked back over to where the men where huddled up, we saw two people laying on the floor unconscious. A statue of panic started to raise in my as I ran. "Evans!" I kneeled down beside her as I examined her injuries. There was a big gash on her forehead, small scratches, and had bruises that slowly started to appearing everywhere.

As I lifted her heads up, I could see her eyes started to flutter open. "Oh my God Evans, your okay," I sighed of relief. I pulled her close as tightly as possible. "Jones," she grunted in pain. "I'm fine okay I'm fine," she said, holding me just as close. I pulled away for a quick second to while her forehead.

"Evans your bleeding," I said, showing her the blood I just whipped. "At least I'm not dead," she said, trying to lighten the mood. I started to help her up so she could stand, but she was really whipped out considering the beating she took. "How did this to you, guys?" I asked, still keeping an eye on Kathrine.

"No clue," Moose responded, still on the ground. "But they said, as long as we keep working they're gonna keep coming back." Fred stood up from his crouched position and headed back to the trailer. After a while, Fred came back and not long after, Sheriff Keller showed up. All by his lonesome. He stepped out of the and approached us.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, putting on his Sheriff's hat. "Moose and Kathrine over there, they caught a couple of guys working over my equipment with a crowbar sand then they got the drop on them," Fred explained. "Who were they, vandals?" He asked. "Cliff Blossom has made it abundantly clear he would love nothing more than to see this whole prophecy go belly-up."

"I doubt that Blossoms gonna hide some thugs to bust up your site and beat up two teenagers," the Sheriff said. "Maybe it wasn't him," Archie interjected, standing but deciding on his father. "I mean, this is Serpent territory, right? Maybe it was them. Pissed that they had to leave 'cause of this project." "Serpents?" Kevin asked, a bit confused.

And so was I. Even though I wasn't a part of the gang, they didn't bother me. And they haven't done anything relatively bad anyways. They wouldn't beat up some teenagers without real probable cause. "Yeah," Archie quickly replied. I went up next to Archie, setting Kathrine right by Moose.

"When I worked at the drive-in the Serpents never bugged me," I told them. There was a sliver of silence. "Did you see any snake tattoos, anything on their jackets?" Keller asked Moose and Kathrine. "It happened pretty fast," Moose admitted. Everyone looked over at Kathrine who was sitting in her thoughts.

"Evans?" I asked. "Sheriff Keller I don't mean to be rude but," she began. "The men were fully dressed head to toe. Barely showing any skin at all. You can't see a tattoo on them even if they had one. Besides, their jackets didn't have anything on them." "All right," Sheriff Keller said.

"I'll talk to Blossom, but I mean I don't think we'll get anywhere unless we can ID these guys." "That is such bull," Archie snapped, getting pissed off. "If this was Clifford Blossom asking for help, you should say yes." "Archie," Fred said. "What dad? It's true," Archie complained. "It's also not helping," Fred pointed out.

After a few more questions, I walked Karthine home in the cold dark. Even though she lived in a house, where it was located didn't really help. From afar, her house is on the border of the north and south side. But when it comes down to it, her house is more on the south side than anything else.

When we got to her house, only the porch light was on so we knew no one was home. I got the keys out of Kathrine's pocket and opened the door for her. We went upstairs to her room. "Jones, you didn't have to bring me to my room," she chuckled.

I gave her a small smile before helping her to her bed. "Of course I did," I said. "You just got beaten up by street thugs. I'm not letting you go anywhere alone. And I'm not letting you go back to that site." "You can't stop me from going anywhere," she said, a bit surprised. "Evans..." I said, shocked. "No Jones," she started to snap.

"You can't stop me from helping Mr. Andrews just because I got into some silly accident." "But Evans, this wasn't just a silly accident. You got beat up, and you blacked out," I said, sitting on the bed. "I don't want to see you get hurt."

Loner and a Writer |Jughead Jones|Where stories live. Discover now