Bandages |chapter 15|

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The morning came and my body ached. I put a white blouse dress, white heels, and some makeup and headed down stairs with my things. Before I could head out the door, my father stopped me. "Kathrine Evans. Get back here," he called from the kitchen. I saw my dad sitting at the table with white medical bandage. When I looked at the supplies, I looked down at my previous covered arms. Deep cuts and scars very visible. I had stitches in some of them.

My dad was afraid I would pop a stitch from stress. I walked over to the table and let him bandage my arms but before I left. When I got to school, I went over to my locker to put some books away. They were too heavy for my bag. "Hello Evans you seemed annoyed," a lonely writer said, leading against the locker next to me. When I looked at him he wasn't meeting my eyes. But yet my arms.

"Evans what's that on your arms?" he asked. I closed my locker and started to walk with him to the Blue and Gold office. "Evans we don't see Diltion until after school, is this about the thing you've been putting off for so long?" I pulled him into the office. "Yes it is Jones. You'd find out soon enough anyways," I said. He leaned back on a desk, while I pulled up a chair to face him. I thought of everything I wanted to say to him before I really said it.

"I understand Blossoms pain because... I'm in that situation right now," I began. He face starts to relaxed and started to become concerned. "A little less than a month ago my... twin brother and I were at a low place. With our mother... which I'll explain more one day. One day we went into the bathroom late one night before our dad picked us up to go to his house. We were in there with..." I couldn't say the rest. I was already choking on my words. I heald up a finger to Jughead, gesturing him to wait. I rolled up my sleeves to reveal more bandage. I looked them off to show to him what was under them.

"Actions speak louder thhan words," I mumbled. He kneeled down looked closely at my arms. "Evans..." he whispered out of disbelief. "I survived... he didn't. When my dad got the job offer he admittedly said yes and got majority custody of me. He thought Riverdale would be a good start," I explained. I could feel tears coming down my face thinking of my brother. I haven't told anyone about what happened. It was hard to reopen new wounds. No pun intended.

He looked at me and whipped the tears off of my face. "You didn't have to tell me," he said. "No I'd had too. I would rather it be you than anybody else. Plus to be honest I think I would explode if I didn't tell someone," I said. He started to help me wrap my arms up again. "Stitches. Deep cuts," he commented. He looked at me with a half smile. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone. The others don't have to know if you don't want them too." I nodded knowing the words he was saying where true.

"Why the bandage?" He asked. "My dad is worried if I get too stressed the stitches would come undone making the cuts bleed," I told him, standing up as well. We started to walk out of the office to our next class. History class was the most boring class ever. But it's not that boring when half of the football team sat behind you and a guy they nicknamed 'Wednesday Addams'.

They kept on making rude marks until I snapped. "How about all of you shut the hell up before I actually give you guys something to whine about," I said raising my voice. When I turned back around Jughead started to get a concerned look on his face. "What?" I looked down at my arms where we could both see multiple stitches had poppers and they were bleeding.

I stood up along with Jughead and rushed to the nurse office. She couldn't really stick them back up, so the put some gaze over the cuts and send us on our mary way. We decided to skip the rest of class because we didn't think it would be worth it going back.

After school I headed to the Blue and Gold offices with Jughead for the second time today. But it was for a different type of confession. I saw Betty behind a desk while Diltion sat in a chair in front of it. "Sorry we're late," I apologized to Betty for the both of us. "It's alright. We where just about to get started," Betty said, looked at Diltion. I leaned against the desk along with Jughead with some vengeful eyes.

"If you publish a story saying I fired the gun, my life will me ruined," Dilton said, starting to panic. "I'll be banished from the adventure scouts and charged with a misdemeanor. So what if I have a better story? If I tell you what I know, promise me the gunshot stays between us?" "You have our word. As journalists," Betty said, sitting back towards us.

"I saw something at Sweetwater river. Something no one else saw," he explained. "Ms. Grundy's car. By the rivers edge. She was there." I looked at Jughead who looked back at me with a calm out panicked look on his face. I looked over t Betty who had a shock of realization.

When Diltion had left, Jughead and I left school admediatly after. We didn't want Betty spot start getting the idea and Archie and Grundy were at the river together by the expression on our faces. But she is a smart girl. She would figure it out on he own.

"Jones she's going to find out," I said, my stomach sinking to my feet. "I know. But I rather the idea come from her own brain than our mouths," he replied. "What's do you think is going to happen Jones." "To he honest Evans, I don't think we should really care. We're not in the situation anymore. Despite us knowing the information." I nodded and didn't question his logic. It wasn't our fight anymore. If Betty wanted to confront her best friend on a possible relationship he was having. I didn't see where we fit in.

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