Worth Fighting For |chapter 17|

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Before it was even light outside, I got a voicemail from an unknown number. 'Uhm hey Evans I think I have the right number. Uhm since closing night for the drive-in is tonight... I was wondering if you would want to... I don't know, maybe watch the movie with me in the movie booth. I don't know if it's just a thought. You can give an answer at school. Bye.' When the voicemail ended it seemed like the worry and the stomach nots returned from yesterday had returned.

When I got got school I found Jughead putting up fliers for the drive-in. "Hello Jones," I said, sneaking up behind him. He jumped a bit which made me laugh. "Don't do that Evans," he laughed. He handed me some fliers which I proceeded to put into lockers. "So did you get any calls this morning?" He asked, seeing if I got the voicemail. "Yes I did. I was going to call back the person and tell them I expect their offer," I said, hinting at Jughead's question.

He turned around and we locked eyes. Even though I had heels on, as always, Jughead was still taller than me. "Maybe I could pass the message on," he suggested. "Okay. Tell him that I except his offer to go to the drive-in with him," I said. "Well he told me to tell you that he would pick you up an hour before the movie starts," he joked. I smiled and proceeded to put the papers into the locks. But a certain Archie Andrews started to get some answers out of Jughead and I about what happens last night.

"Hard had would it have been for you guys to give me a heads up?" Archie asked, a little paniced. "Look I am by nature a conscience objector. Not saying to either you or Betty was the most moral apathetic choice I could make," Jughead explained. "But guys. She's not going to write about me and Grundy in the paper is she? Like she did with Chuck?" I was taken it back on what Archie said. Betty wrote about Chuck in the paper because he was doing something bad that should be brought to attention.

"Dude seriously? Okay come on," Jughead said, gesturing over to me. Only a few people in school know I was in that book mostly my close friends. But Archie was in his own worry about him and Grundy to check in with the group. "Think about what you're asking us Andrews. If there was even a iota of a change that something could hurt you in a any way Betty wouldn't o do," I said. "Probably," Jughead said after.

"Oh my God," Archie worried. "I'm kidding. But maybe she has a point. What do you see happening with Grundy long term?" Jughead asked. "What do you want?" I put it simply. "I want to be with her. I don't know how but I wanna hang on to what we have for as long as possible," he explained.

"Yup. I feel that. Trying to hold on to something a lot older than me too. "Just if Betty is gonna do anything crazy can you guys please let me know so I can do something  to stop it?" Archie said, as we tried to walk away. Jughead just nodded and we headed on our way. For the rest of the day, burning our passing periods, breaks, and our free period, we posted fliers all over schools and in lockers.

Hey Evans," Jughead said, posting a poster on the wall. "Yes?" I said, turning around from a locker. "Do you want to come with me to the Mayors office with me after school? I'm going to try to convince her to not sell the drive-in." "Yeah of course I will come with you," I said.

We went down to the Mayor's office right when school let out. Trying to convince her that the town deserves the drive-in. "I'm sorry but the Twilight drive-in? It's a blight that becomes a cesspool and a hong out for criminals and transients and the deal is dons. Andrews construction is school to demolish the lot on Monday," the mayor told us. "Mayor McCoy this means a lot to him," I begged. She say down and was ready to listen to Jugheads insane speech.

"When I was a kid my family and I would go to the drive-in all the time. We couldn't afford tickets for everyone so my sister Jellybean and I would hide in the trunk until we parked. We'd sneak out. It like my home," he explained. I put my hand on his shoulder for support. If he wanted to fight for this land. I was going to help.

"That's a very sweet sentiment Mr. Jones. But the future of Riverdale is at stake," she said. I couldn't listen to another word she was staying and either could Jughead. I took his hand and we talked out of the Mayors office. Jughead had suggest that we could try to convince Mr. Andrews, Archie's dad, to stop construction. But he said it might not look pretty.

As we entered the trailer, we saw Mr. Andrews working at his desk. "Hello Mr. Andrews," I said, standing next to Jughead. "Mayor McCoy says you won the contract to tear down the drive-in," he said, getting right to the point. "I did. Look I'm sorry Jughead. I know how much you love the Twilight and so do I..." Mr. Andrews said, trying not to hurt his feelings.

"Mr. Andrews give us one week to track down the person who bought the land and convince them not to demolish the drive-in," I said, trying to support Jughead. "It's a big contract for me guys. And for my guys. Whatever they build in the place of the drive-in could mean more jobs," he tried to explain.

"Yeah, in what? Some hypothetical future?" Jughead said, raising his voice a bit. I held his hand to calm him down."you put one Jones out of work why don't you out out another huh?" "Jug your dad was taking materials from our job sites. I had to let him go," Mr. Andrews told him. "Right. You did what you had to do like you're doing here now. Later," Jughead said, taking my hand as we walked out of the trailer.

"I'm sorry Jones. About the drive-in... and your dad," I said, starting to feel dad. "It's fine Evans. I can get a new job. Somewhere..." he said.

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