The Hunt |chapter 26|

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"Alice Cooper, where is she? Where's Polly?" Mrs. Blossom yelled, trying to keep her cool. "You think I knew that I'd be out here with the mosquitoes?" Mrs. Cooper snapped back. "Face facts Mommie Dearest," Cheryl interjected. "Polly killed Jason." "She escapes from the asylum once who's to stay she didn't before say the day Jason got murdered?" Mr. Blossom said, crossing his arms. "The noose is thigheninf arouns your murdering daughter's neck. I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it," Mrs. Blossom began. "Hold on now," my dad said, trying to stop any accusations.

"And I promise you when we find her and we will find her, the entire town of Riverdale will know too." Silence fell over both crowds. The Blossoms were probably right about one thing. If Polly was in these woods, they would find her first. They had the police and search dogs. I looked over at my dad and refused to look at anyone, fearing they would see the disappointment in our eyes.

I couldn't stand to look at him. It was heartbreaking to know my father chose the wrong side. Even though it was his job to help them. Alice turned away and went to the trail of the plan to find Polly. Before Betty could follow her, I stopped her before she did something. "Betty, we need a real plan," I pleaded. "I need to help my mother. Make a plan if you think we need one," she said, squirming out of my grip.

When she disappeared into the bushes and trees, she left a group of confused and bewildered teenagers who came to help. I could feel a presence behind which made me take a few steps back. "Kathrine what did Betty say?" Archie asked. I look at him then at the crowd. I started to fidget with my fingers a bit to concentrate. "Kathrine?" Then I got it. "Okay everyone we will split up into five groups," I announced.

I caught everyone's attention and they started to pay attention. "One part of the Bulldogs will be group one led by Andrews. Bulldog group will be led by Mantel. Vixen group one will be led by Lodge. Vixen group two will be led by Keller. And everyone else will be with me. If anyone finds anything, call me."

After everyone got sorted, we all started to venture in different parts of the forest. I was left with Jughead, Josie and her Pussycats, some of Polly's old friends, and some loners who helped to pass the time. "Evans," a voice called. I glanced over and saw Jughead coming up beside me. "Yes?" "It was really cool how you took charge," he said, smiling at the thought. For a second I stopped dead in my tracks and blushed. "Uhm..." I said, trying to find words to respond. "Anyone else would have done what I did."

"You know that's not true," he dismissed my reply. "Andrews would have done it," I replied. "Archie would do anything for anyone. Even if that means he has to risk his own life," he reminded me. I kept on looking around for any clues that would lead us to Polly, then I found some footprint tracks. "Everyone stop!" I said, holding anyone who was behind me back. "Guys, do you know what size shoe Cooper sister wears?" I asked.

"From what I've remembered she wears a five and a half," one of her friends said. I looked closely at the boot imprint. "Does anyone wear a five and a half shoe?" Josie stepped forward and compared her own shoe to the mark. "Polly..." Jughead said, in disbelief. I quickly got out my phone and mass texted Reggie, Archie, Veronica, and Kevin of what we found.

Archie asked where the shoe prints lead and I replied that there was no more but it looked like they were facing into town. Our group started to look for more tracks but that led us nowhere. She covered her tracks so no one could find her. It was smart but, personally, that's not how I would have done it. After a while Kevin texted the group that we should meet back in town because we have been out for hours.

And we have. We spent almost five hours trying to search for tracks and/or clues. The one footprint was our only lead. I told everyone that they should head back home and that we've been out here forever and it was useless. I started to walk back home with Jughead because he refused to let we walk alone with a murder on the loose.

"Evans even though we didn't find her, you did a good job," he reassured me. "Yeah but the point of the search was to find her. But instead it being us it will probably be the Blossoms," I said, getting a bit frustrated. "Hey hey. Everything's going to be okay. Everything doesn't fall on your shoulders," he said, interlocking is fingers with mine. I put my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.

"Hey let's go to Pops and get some milkshakes. We don't have to go back home." I looked up at him and smirked at his words. Instead of stopping at my house, we went to Pops chocolate shop to get some famous milkshakes. "Hey Pop," Jughead said to the man. "Well hello Jughead Kathrine," Pop said. We sat down at the counter. "Let me get one chocolate and one vanilla milkshake, extra whip and caramel drizzle," he said, ordering for both of us.

"You know my milkshake order?" I said, a bit surprised. "Yup. Anytime we worked on homework here that's what you would always order. Never forget it," he smiled. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek as Pop brought out the milkshakes. Jughead got a simple chocolate milkshake with chocolate crunch and whip. When I saw mine it had whip cream on the bottom and top with caramel drizzle swirled inside the glass.

Before I could take a sip, he snatched the cup out of my hands and looked at a long sip. "Hey!" I said, a bit annoyed. "This is actually pretty good," he said.

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