Chapter 23. "Because When I Dance..."

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Chapter 23. “Because When I Dance…”

Previously on SNF;

“Ha! You do know were not in the US, right?” I laughed loudly.

“Oh I know.” She said seriously. I stopped laughing, but she revealed the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

“We’re in Paris baby.”


•Scarlett's POV•

I’m not scared.

No, I was definitely not scared.  Being scared is something a small, helpless child feels when they’ve lost their parents in a crowd, or at a mall. Scared is when a child has woken up from a nightmare and its pitch black. That is being scared. Being scared is not something a 17-year-old girl feels when they’re meeting someone for the first time. No. I was just… just merely concerned about my wellbeing; yeah lets go with that, I was concerned for my wellbeing, that was all it was.

Who knew how long it would take for the family to show up, maybe they’ve already forgotten about Angle and I. Who knew how far they’d take us from here, and murder us till there was no life, no soul left in our bodies. Okay, maybe I was over reacting a bit to much, and maybe the scenarios plaguing my mind in a race of spiraling thoughts were just from fear, bit I didn’t want to be scared. Its not like I get a thrill out of fear, or I was addicted to the feeling of the adrenaline rush I’d get afterwards. No.

I hated being scared, mainly because it made me feel stupid. I was a teenager, in the latter end of my youthful years for god sakes; I shouldn’t be feeling like this. No other teenager, maybe even pre-teen, would feel this way, and it just separated me from everyone else, more than I already do. I didn’t need my fear to be added to the long list of things people find revolting about me.

Of course, I wasn’t going to tell Angel about my fear of making new friends, and talking to people. I was actually surprised myself that I had the guts to talk to Angle in the first place, but it was mainly because she didn’t judge me right off the bat. What do you call this? I knew I had philophobia; fear of being in love or falling in love, but this? Unexplainable. In my mind, I knew that it wasn’t normal to be so scared of people. In my mind, I knew it was strange.

In my mind; that was the seed of it. My mind thought of horrendous scenarios, some of which were totally unrealistic. But that’s just what I do. I was scared.

No doubt about it.

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked to anyone besides Melissa, Jason, Harry, Zayn, Anne, and Valerie. I was shit at making new friends. Haven’t made any since the beginning of high school. Almost 4 years, and counting.

“You’re scared, aren’t you?” Angel said, with a slight smirk on her pink lips.

“How’d you know?” I pressed on, dragging myself out of the conversation I was having in my mind.

“You’re fidgeting about, and you’re playing with your fingers.” She stated, matter-of-factly.

“I’m just worried about what they’re going to think about me, you know?”

“So what, you’re not going to see those bitches after we leave here.” She pointed out, flicking her hair over her shoulder dramatically. Maybe her name should be devil…

“I mean,” she continued, “they’re probably going to be jealous of our fine asses.” She hit her bottom playfully, wiggling it about. Yep, definitely a Devil.

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