Chapter 48

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-You who? We are a lot. -Said Sara-

-You, all of you- I said- Don't get me wrong, I mean couples, not polyamory -I said and they sighed-

Sara took Samuel's hand and showed that they have shared rings.

-He asked me a week ago -she said.-

Emma and Alex looked into each other's eyes and I knew immediately that they are dating, Carlos kissed Valeria making it clear that they are dating.

-Javier asked me this week. -Mika said.-

-You all have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me! -I exclaimed pouting to which everyone laughed-

-Forgive us, my dear -Sara said.-

-Alright. -said-

-What? Do you forgive them that easily? -said Javier-

-Yep, they are my girls I can't get mad at them. -I said opening my arms to what they ran to me-

-Heeeyy!!! -said the five boys-

-But you -Luke said, pulling me by the waist separating us from our embrace and my friends complained -now you're mine.

-Of course, prince -I said and kissed him.-

-They grow so fast -Sara said, feigning sadness and wiping away a fake tear. We all laugh-

After that we went to the cinema, we chose the movie, we bought the tickets, we bought popcorn, sodas and candy; We entered the room and everyone sat next to his partner.

At the end of the movie we all went home. Upon arrival, Elizabeth received us a little nervous apparently.

-Good afternoon Mom.

-Good afternoon Elizabeth. -We said in unison.-

-Good afternoon, children -she replied.- How are you?

-Great -Luke said.-

-And what happened? Don't leave me wondering! -said Elizabeth.-

-She said yes -he replied.-

-So now you're my daughter-in-law? -she wonder-

-That's right -I replied.-

-Great! -she exclaimed and Luke and I laughed- I'm very happy for you.

-Thank you. -we answered-

-Well, I want to talk to you -I said.-

-What's up love?

-I think it's time to... -I stayed silent, for some reason it was hard for me to say it-

-Time to what? -Luke said.-

-To return home. -Elizabeth finished the sentence for me- Isn't that right? -She said and I nodded.-

-I am very grateful for everything you have done for me seriously, but now that my brother is receiving help I think it's okay for me to come back. -I said, Luke didn't say anything, he just got up from the sofa and left- Love? -I called him- Luke! -I said but he ignored me.-

-Okay honey, give him his space. -Elizabeth told me.-


I stayed talking a little more with Elizabeth and then I went up to Luke's room but there was no one there so I went to mine. When I entered I found Luke lying on the bed with his back to me, I took off my jacket and boots, I went to bed behind him, hugging him.

-What are you thinking love? -I asked-

-I do not want you to leave. -he said and turned around, being face to face- but I understand that you have to go back.

-Hey, just because I don't live here doesn't mean I don't come here or that you can't go to my house. We can always visit and see each other. -I said- you will see that it will seem that I did not leave here.

-Alright. -he said and I kissed him.-

Fall in Love// English editionWhere stories live. Discover now