Chapter 16

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After doing homework and tidying up the room, I started watching a movie on my computer and after about 30 minutes I fell asleep in bed.


I did homework and started playing video games with my friends, after a couple of hours I looked at my phone, saw the time and went to Sadie's room to ask her if she wanted to go for a walk but when I came in I saw Sadie in bed asleep I removed the computer and I covered her with a blanket and went back to my room.

After a few hours my parents arrived and brought dinner so my mother sent me to call Sadie, I went to the room where Sadie was, I woke her up and told her to come down to dinner, Sadie and I went downstairs, we set the table and we sat down to eat and then we all watched a movie together; When we finished watching the movie we all went to sleep.

Next morning at lunch time I went to get my food and then I went to the table but it was weird not seeing Sadie "she must be late with something" I thought, after a few minutes someone put their tray next to me and then I felt like they covered my eyes.

-Maddie? -I said when I saw who sat next to me-

-Hi, Luke. -she said-

We both started talking while eating.


I had been late because I was talking to the dance team coach to try out for the team. When I got to the cafeteria I went for food and went to sit at the table but when I got there I almost let my food fall when I saw Luke laughing out loud with Maddie.

-Hello. -I heard a voice behind me, Diego, so I turned around-

-Oh hello Diego

-Come, let's go to the table.

-Can we sit at another table?

-Sure, but what happens?

I kept watching Luke and Maddie together with Luke's friends and they all laughed and were very happy.

Diego and I went to another table and Diego changed the subject. We continued chatting until the end of lunch.

Fall in Love// English editionWhere stories live. Discover now