Chapter 5

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When I entered the house with crystallized eyes, I ran up to my room to lock myself in to cry hurt by what Lucas had told me and without realizing it I fell asleep in my bed totally exhausted.

The next day, since it was already Saturday, I took my cell phone and realized that it was 8:00 AM, since I couldn't sleep anymore, I decided to connect my headphones, put on my favorite song and get out of bed to go down to the kitchen to prepare waffles for have breakfast and have some tea while I check my social networks.

-"Good morning Die" -I received a message from Luke.

I read the message but didn't answer as I didn't feel like doing it. When I finished eating I went up to my room and made the bed, I decided to tidy my room since it was a disaster and when I finished I jumped on my bed listening to music at full volume. After a few minutes they rang the doorbell, when I went down to open it I was surprised to see Luke in front of me.


I had texted Sadie ,but she just left me on seen. When I didn't get an answer from Sadie, I got worried and thought that Sadie got mad at me for some unknown reason, so I decided to make her a day full of activities so that she had time to want to do. I looked for Sadie's brother account and when I found the account, I sent him a message.



-"Hey, I'm a friend of Sadie's, I wanted to know if she could spend the day with me. If they give her permission, of course."

-"Of course, let me ask my aunt if she gives you permission, ok?"

-"OK thank you"

-"Hey, I've got a question"


-"Why don't you ask her directly?"

-"Because I want to surprise her"

-"Ohhh ok give me a moment and I'll tell you if they let her"


After a few minutes Luis told me that Sadie can spend the day with me. When I got the yes I planned a day full of activities for me and Sadie, I also talked to my mother to see if she could take us to the places I planned. He told me yes so I went to Sadie's house to tell her that she's joining me.

-Hello Sadie

-Hi Lu. - she said seriously-  what's up?

-Well, I come to tell you that today you will have a day full of activities with me and don't worry, you have permission to leave the house, so get ready and in an hour my mom will take us to our first stop, ok?

-Ok  -she said not very convinced.-

-Okay, I'll go and pick you up in a nice hour-   I said and went home.


After Luke left I went up to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, when I finished I went to my room to get dressed. As I was going out, I wore loose black jeans, a black polo shirt-style crop-top and black boots, for jewelry I wore butterfly earrings, a chain with three necklaces together, rings on my fingers and my usual bracelets. I then brushed my hair and decided to leave it loose.

Exactly after an hour Luke rang the doorbell, I took my phone, my headphones and my wallet, I said goodbye to Luis and went out with Luke. We both got into Luke's mom's car and started our way to the first stop that Luke had prepared, he had already told his mom the address.

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