Chapter 3

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The next day was the same routine for me, only today I decided to dress up a little more. I dressed in camouflage-patterned pants, a black sleeveless top, and blue heeled boots. I didn't put on makeup,  I left my hair down, I put on earrings with a small flower and a red ring.

As always I went downstairs to rush Luis and Santiago, while I was waiting I decided to make myself a coffee to take to school, and while I was making it, Luis came to the kitchen.

   -Where are you going like this?  -he asked me-

   -As well as?  -I replied-

   -Why is it so neat?  -he questioned again-

   -And what do you mean?  -I said confused-

   -You already thinks a lot, you think you're very popular  -he said-

I felt bad hearing that from my own brother but I decided not to take it seriously, so when I finished making my coffee I went looking for Santiago to leave now and go to the stop while the bus arrived.

Lucas passed in front of me to talk to a friend of his who was here, after a very short time the bus arrived, I got on and looked for the usual seat Luis sat next to me, but while he was sitting Lucas passed by at us and we locked eyes as he headed back, I glance nervously and Lucas passed me by. On the way to school I was looking out the window and straight ahead.

When I got to school I walked until I got to the second cafeteria, because I didn't want to eat breakfast with Luis after the argument I had at home, I ate my breakfast and went to look for Alex and Lupe whom I didn't find but I did find Emma and Mika I greeted them and kept walking and when I turned around to go to my room I had Lucas and his friend in front of me but I just passed by them and went to my art room.

At the end of the third class of my day, Abril and I went to the geography room but we stayed a little far away so we both started walking fast to get to what we achieved on time.

In the classroom I ran into Sara and we stared a chat a few minutes later the class started and we both took seats and followed the teacher's instructions. At the end of the class Sara and I went to my next class which was PE, Sara just walked me to the gym as usual. On the way we saw Lucas and his friends, Sara annoyed me but I only laughed; when I got into the gym it was my next class and Sara went to the cafeteria. I went into the gym and went to change my  clothes and luckily I had a pair of sneakers in my locker so I wouldn't have to borrow one of my friends, then I walked out and class started.

After my class I went to the cafeteria and ate my lunch. I had finished eating and went to throw out the garbage, I was reading when suddenly I began to feel short of breath, I began to move my leg and scratch my neck, I felt as if my ears were popping out and I heard a lot of noise, I began to feel dazed, I got up I looked at myself and I felt worse, I felt that the cafeteria was getting smaller. I got up desperately began to shake my hands and walk from side to side looking at the window.

David and his friends started asking me questions about what was wrong with me but I couldn't answer them.

At that moment I wanted to run out of there and for someone to hug me but that would never happened.


Sadie had gotten up out of nowhere and started walking from side to side, my friends and I asked her what was going on but she didn't answer, it seems that she couldn't speak. Lucas noticed and asked us what was going on but we had no idea.


I saw Sadie get up and start to walk away. Side to side waving her hands, I asked her friends but they had no idea what was wrong with her.

Sadie looked dazed and I was worried, I turned to see my friends and they were worried too. I didn't know how to react or what to do so I sat in my place again but I kept an eye on Sadie.

When the bell rang she took her backpack and left the cafeteria almost running, when I left the cafeteria I lost sight of her but I was worried. I went to the gym and tried to go to the locker room but it was closed, turning around I saw Sadie curled up in a ball hugging her legs.I approached her

   -Hey Sadie?  -I spoke to her and when she saw me she just jumped into my arms and I hugged her, she was crying and I was worried I didn't know what was wrong-  it's alright pretty, everything is fine. Nothing will happen to you, I will protect you, ok? everything is fine. -I whispered to her while I rubbed her back trying to calm her down-

   -Lucas... -she said barely audible and I notice pain in her voice-

   -No, no shhh, calm down everything is fine. -I said bringing her closer to me-

After a few minutes she calmed down so we stopped, I wiped her tears with my fingers and tried to distract her by getting her to talk

   -What class are you attending now?  -I asked for-

   -English. -answered me-

   -Who is your teacher?

   -Mrs. Mendoza

   -Ok, how do you feel now?

   -A little better Lu, thank you. -she said-

   -It's ok Die, you worried me. -I said-

   -I'm sorry. -she apologized-

   -No, don't apologize, it's something you can't control. -I said and a coach asked us why we weren't in our classes I told him that she had a problem and then he let me go with her to her class and wrote me a pass to go and return without problems.

Sadie and I walked to her class together and I hugged her shoulders until we got there.

   -Come back now if you want Lu, I'll explain to my teacher why I'm late, also your class is far away. -she told me-

   -No no, I came to let you into your class so let's go in. -I said opening the door letting her pass in front of me-

I went in, I showed the pass to the teacher and I explained a little to the teacher and then I went to my tennis practice.


At the end of school I was so deep in my thoughts that I had not realized that we had already arrived until Lucas spoke to me, I came out of my thoughts, took my backpack and got off the bus with Lucas behind me.When I went down I threw the keys to Luis because I couldn't reach him because of my shoes and then I walked with Lucas towards home. 

When I got home I was having lunch when I received a message from Lucas which made me choke on my food since I didn't expect him to write to me, I answered him and we had a little conversation. After a very good time I went out in front of my house to write and after a few minutes Lucas arrived with his skateboard.

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