Chapter 22

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At that moment they rang the doorbell of the house, we both turned to see each other since we weren't expecting anyone so I finished removing my makeup, we both went down to the door and when I opened it I found Isai.

-Hi, Isai. -I said-

-Hi Luke, is Sadie here?

-Yes, Die is looking for you!

-I'm going Lu! -se said from the kitchen.

-Oh hello Isai

-Hi sofi

-What happened?

-I come for you

-That's because?

-I'll take you to the hospital, my mom is already there, she said she would let you know.

-Well, she didn't do it and besides, I was going out with Luke

-Well, they are all there and you have to be present

-Well, I have to get ready. Can Luke go with us?

-Yes, his mom already knows they told me to come look for them

-Ok, can you come back in a bit? We are going to get ready

-Well, calls me.


-What happened? -I said-

-We will go to the hospital where my mother is. -Sadie told me.-


-My family is there with your mother and I need to be there

-And why me?

-I need you there with me

-Ok, I'm going to take a bath.

-Me too


I went up to my room to take a shower and get dressed. I dressed in a brown skirt, with a long-sleeved white blouse, high boots and I combed my hair with a high half ponytail, I put on mascara, a little blush and a gloss. I put on some earrings, a necklace that my mother gave me and some rings along with the one that Luke gave me, I took my black bag and put my headphones in there, a portable battery with the cable and my cell phone and finally went down to the living room to wait for Luke.


I went to shower in my room and dressed in brown pants, a white T-shirt and white tennis shoes. I put on a chain, the ring I have with Sadie, some black bracelets and a watch. Then I went down to the living room where I found Sadie waiting with her cell phone.


After I was ready I went downstairs and realized that we were dressed the same, I told him that we were the same and it was pure coincidence, I called Isaí and when the three of us arrived we started on our way to the hospital in silence, so I started listening to music and I i fell asleep

When we got to the hospital, Luke woke me up and we got out of the car to go inside. We walked through the corridors of the hospital until we reached the waiting room where we found Andrea, Jose, Luis, Santiago, and Elizabeth. I ran up to my uncles.

-How is she? -I asked for-

-Is very bad. -Aunt Andrea said.-

-She will get over?

-The doctors believe that there is a possibility but it is less than 20%

-What ? why?

-She received a blow to the skull that knocked her unconscious and inflamed her brain and she also has many serious blows all over her body

-No... c-can I see her?

-Sure honey, do you want someone to come in with you?

-No, I'll go alone.

-Ok, it's the first door on the right. 208

I went to the room where my mother was, when I entered I took a seat next to the stretcher and took my mother's hand.

-Hello mommy I don't know if you hear me but I want to tell you that I love you, you are the strongest person I know and I know that you will get better and when you leave here we will move to a house together, just you, Luis and me as we have always wanted. But for now I need you to recover please.

At that moment my mother moved her hand a little


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