Chapter 9

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-Sadie? What happened? Why are you crying and bringing a suitcase? - I said worried and surprised, but she just hugged me without letting go-

-Please don't let me go.  -she said crying.-

-I won't, but come let's go in and tell me what happened and why you bring a suitcase

We both entered the house and went to the living room. While there I decided to ask Sadie what had happened.

-Sadie I will help you? but to do it I need you to tell me what happened -I asked still worried-

-Wh... When we said goodbye a while ago I gave you a kiss on the cheek and when I came in. I found my brother at the door, angry, I asked him what was happening and he started yelling at me that because I had kissed you I said that why he was looking at me that this was already not respecting my privacy a-and he told me that I didn't have privacy with him and that I should explain I told him that I didn't have to explain to him and he got mad at m-me and...

-And what Sadie? What did he do to you?

-He slapped me. -she said in a barely audible tone.-

Sadie's words surprised me, I hugged her but she kept crying. With my hug I wanted to convey calm and tranquility to Sadie which I did despite the fact that my blood was boiling with anger at what my girl's brother did to her.

Being calmer, Sadie asked me if she could stay with me for a few days. I asked my mom who accepted and then I helped Sadie carry the suitcase up to the guest room.

-Well, I'll let you rest, ok? I'll be in my room, it's the one in front -I said going to the door-


-What's the matter? -I asked for-

-Can you stay with me for a while?


We lay back on the bed so Sadie's head is on my chest, she hugged me as I nuzzled her to sleep. After a few minutes she fell asleep and a few minutes later I fell asleep too.


After a few hours I went into the room to ask Sadie if she wanted to have dinner, when I entered and saw the children sleeping I was a bit surprised but then I woke up Luke.


-Luke, honey, wake up  -I whispered.-

-What's up mom? -he said waking up-

-Wake up Sadie and ask her if she wants to have dinner, the food is ready.

-Okay. -he said, I left the room and went down again to the kitchen.

Fall in Love// English editionWhere stories live. Discover now