Chapter 6

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Luke's mother took us to the mall. We all got out of the car and entered the place. Upon entering Luke's mother separated from us. We went to the food court.

-Well, Miss Smoke, do you want to eat something?

-No thanks I ate at my house, but if you want I can accompany you to have breakfast

-Ok, let's go

Luke and I went to a crepe place ,and Luke ordered what he was going to have for breakfast. Then we both went to an empty table after a few minutes Luke went for his food ,and when he finished eating we went for a walk.

-Well, let's go to the store that you like the most

-So that?

-It will be a gift from me.

-Gift for?

-Well, as I said a few hours ago, today is a day of surprises and activities.


-Yeah come on

Luke and I entered a clothing store. I chose some outfits ,and Luke chose others for me. We both went to the fitting rooms ,I tried on the outfits we chose and I showed them to Lucas. When I finished trying on the clothes, we paid for it and left the store. I went to the bathroom.


Sadie went to the bathroom so I took advantage of this moment to go to an accessory store, and bought some rings to share between the two of us.

-Hello, hello miss

-Hello Lucas

-Well I have one last gift from the mall

-What is?  -she said excitedly-

I took out the rings ,and gave her one. When I gave her the ring, I noticed that Sadie's eyes shine with happiness and I felt very, very happy to see her like that. Then we went for a drink from Starbucks after that I called mom to go to another surprise stop for Sadie.

-Why are we here?  -she said when she saw that we were in a hairdresser's-

-I come to touch up the highlights in my hair, but it's also to do whatever you want. -I said-

-No no no no, I can't accept that you spend so much money with me like that

-Okay, but if you change your mind you still have time

-It's okay, but I don't think so.


We both entered the hairdresser's and they began to attend to me, while Sadie and I were talking. Sadie was overtaken by the desire to make a makeover that she had wanted to do for a long time. She sat in a chair ,and told a hairdresser how she wanted it.

After a few hours we both left the hairdresser with our new look changes, I proposed to Sadie that we do a photo session, so Sadie changed her clothes and put on an outfit that she combined with mine. Then my mother did a photo shoot for the two of us together.

After the photo session we went to an amusement park where we ate ice cream, hot dogs and popcorn. After a few hours we went home, we got to my house and mom came in the house and I walked Sadie to her house. When we got to Sadie's house we said goodbye, Sadie entered the house and I went to mine.

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