Chapter 13

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"He's going to give you a small test. Questions. Checking your physical ability with one of his Cursed Corpses," Gojo-san explains as he pushes open the giant doors, "So answer well,"

'What the f*ck is a Cursed Corpse?' I think as I walk beside him.

"Satoru. Late again," A man with sunglasses says while knitting up a yellow doll, "11 minutes late,"

"Only 11 minutes, you mean," Gojo-san says, "At least I brought her," At the words, the man's attention shifts to me.

"Name?" He asks.

"...Haneki," I answer after a bit of hesitation.

"What Haneki?" He asks again. I don't answer and keep quiet. Kasumi isn't even my real last name. I don't even know what the real one is. And anyway, everyone is dead. Because I killed them. I shouldn't have the right to say I'm part of the Kasumi family.

"I asked a question," The man says, stopping his knitting. I just stare at him.

"If you want to stay at this school, you're gonna have to answer," Gojo-san whispered, giving me a short glance.

"Except; I don't want to be here," I say, taking a step back towards the door I came through, "I really don't," I turn around and start walking.

"Wait, come back here," Gojo-san calls me back, "We have to decide if we will execute you or not,"

I answer back, still walking, "Guess what, that's what I was trying to do. By myself," I reach out my hands to push open the door but am stopped by a big hand on my shoulder. I turn around to punch the face of my blocker, an angry expression on my face. Just when I think my fist has made contact, I'm suddenly pinned to the ground. I look up and see Gojo-san on top of me

"It's not your decision anymore," He says, his usual smile replaced by just a thin line.

He continues talking, "You have a Cursed Spirit inside of you, they are non-living beings that go around killing people. I'm guessing the Spirit inside of you takes control of your body, your mind pushed back. But we-"

"Wrong," I stop him mid-sentence, "Itami never took control of me before,"

"Huh," He says, gently releasing his grip on me. I take the chance and flip my body, freeing myself and instantly landing a kick on his legs. Or so I thought.

"What-" My legs feel like they hit something, except I'm still a few inches away from Gojo-san's actual legs. He pins me back down, laughing.

"So he didn't," He says, "But he could. Later. If that happens, it will be your hands that do the killing, even if it wasn't your mind. Anyways, some people here want to find out more about the Spirit inside of you, for whatever reason. Meaning, you have to be here," He lets go of me, and faces the man, who is back to knitting.

"You can die later," He adds, "Just not now," At that, I start thinking through what Gojo-san said. There's a thing called a Cursed Spirit inside of me, probably Itami, he will take over my body and kill people? But he never did that before, he just pops in and out. Some people want to discover new information about Itami and I have to be alive for it? But why not just take Itami out of me and do it? I can die, they'll have Itami. Win-win.

"Fine," I finally say, glaring at Gojo-san, "But I'm gone as soon as your research ends," He just smiles, his expression unreadable.

"Bring her to the dorms," The man says, not looking up, "And explain the rules,"

"Let's go," Gojo-san says, putting a hand on my head.

"Wait. You said he will test me," I say. Was he lying? Trying to mess me up?

"You managed to kick Satoru's Limitless," The man explains, "That's good enough. Now, just follow him out," Limitless? The invisible thing I hit? I open my mouth to ask some more questions, but Gojo-san holds me up with one hand by my hood and brings me outside.

(664 words)

I just realized that Miwa's last name is also Kasumi... just wanna let you guys know they're not related.

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