Chapter 24

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some of u guys might feel that the end of this chapter is violent, i guess? so this is just a small pre-warning

"I will," I say, sounding bored, "Soon," The grip on the man's wrists gets loosened.

"Oh, you will...?" He asks, sounding surprised. However, his face shows that this is no surprise to him. I nod and am about to turn around, seeing no more reason to talk to this stranger.

"I can... help-" He offers, giving a slight tap on my back.

"I don't need it," I cut him mid-sentence, shrugging his hand off my back.

"You will... you'll see..." He continues. I turn around. The man's getting annoying. The grip on the rock tightens again as my legs get into a stance. I look ready to pounce at the man. Before I can do that though, the man begins to change form.

"What the f*ck," I take a step back. Now, an eyeball floats in front of me, no trace of the man from before. I stare at the eyeball, a whirlwind of mysteries surrounding him.

"I said: I'll help you," He repeats, floating closer to me. He suddenly floats into me. I feel something lumpy pass through the scar on my neck and get absorbed into my body. It's almost indescribable.

'Look behind you,' He whispers. I feel his voice inside me. I do as he says, looking behind me. My face shows my readiness in killing anyone who spotted me. I don't know why; I get the feeling that no one was supposed to see me with this eyeball.

"Hakuto," My posture tightens as I recognize my spotter, Hakuto. He'll tell Mom and Dad for sure.

"...!" As our eyes meet, Hakuto runs away, fear embedded into his expression. I chase after him, taking large steps. When I'm only an arm's length away from him, I leap, pinning him down to the ground. I look around the ground and pick up the sharpest rock I can find to substitute the one I dropped during the chase. Hakuto's eyes show only terror and fright. A smile appears on my lips as I recognize the fear.

I press the rock against his neck, a red mark already forming, and say in a threatening voice, "Don't tell anyone. Or else," I add more pressure onto the rock, letting out a small trickle of blood. Hakuto nods his neck furiously, not wanting death from his own, although adopted, sister.

"That's right," I loosen my grip on the rock and I'm about to just let him go. Hakuto senses this and sits up, still looking shocked. I slowly take my hands away from him, freeing him from my grip.

Just then, the eyeball whispers again, "Kill him. Kill him. KILL HIM,"

"..." I'm quiet for a moment, wondering: why should I listen to him? However, I have already made my move. The rock makes contact with Hakuto's face, leaving behind a long slash that looks like it has been made by a lion instead.

"Haneki...!" He says urgently, raising both his arms up to his face. I calmly push his arms down, revealing his blood-covered face. Then I pin his arms above him, leaving him helpless.

"I'm afraid you have to die..." I whisper; the pity in my voice not matching the grin on my face. I reach out a hand next to me, searching the earth for a stick. When I finally feel the long, pointy end of one, I pick it up and bring it closer to his panicked eyes. My knee is pressed against his neck, further preventing any movement.

"No, no, no...!" Hakuto yells, clenching his eyes shut, "Why are you doing this?!"

Without any explanation, I slowly bring the stick down onto his left eye. The thin skin pushes down, blood already forming where the stick meets the eye. He resists this, shaking his body and head. But this only makes the process more painful.

I don't look scared at what I'm doing. Nor do I look happy. My eyes are cold and empty, showing no signs of empathy whatsoever. They look unfocused but hard at the same time; dead. My mouth is in a thin line, curving neither up nor down.

Hakuto, on the other hand, looks scared. Dead scared. His mouth is open and I can tell he's trying to scream, but no sounds are heard. His legs and arms are trembling uncontrollably, and his face is pale. Pale from fear.

I give his face one final glance. 

Then I push down on the stick with all my might.

(724 words)

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