Chapter 47

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'Expand your own Domain. Overpower the other's,'

I slightly pause as I remember his tactic. But I immediately shake the idea away. There's no way I can successfully perform a Domain Expansion. Why bother wasting Cursed Energy?

Meanwhile, the Cursed Spirit yells her piercing scream again, "NOO!!"

I grumble in frustration. If only I could dig her f*cking vocal cords out. Suddenly, she leaps from her spot towards me at terrifying speed, and I brace myself for her attack. She has her bundle of flowers out, like a sword, ready to swing. At the exact second where she brings it down on me, I launch a punch of my own, reinforced with Cursed Energy, hoping to counter it.

With a small explosion, both of us fly backward. The Spirit lands only a few feet away from where she was, but lies still on the ground. On the other hand, I hit my back on the thorn-covered wall of the domain. As the sharp points sink into my skin, I cough out blood and feel blood pouring out from my head and back. The thorns in my arms are joined by a few even bigger ones. 

"Ugh..." I groan from the sudden blast of pain and pull myself off of the wall. More pools of blood form on the ground, and I'm surprised I didn't die of blood loss yet. Until I remember from the tingly feeling that Itami is probably healing my inside wounds whether I like it or not. I sigh at the thought. Doesn't Okkotsu also have a Cursed Spirit inside him? She doesn't seem to bother him as much.

Then I freeze.


Isn't he still outside? What's he doing? What if he's fighting a stronger Spirit? Gojo-sensei told me to keep him safe. How am I supposed to do that if I'm not with him? For the first time, I feel the urge to escape this Domain as quickly as possible.

How though?

I skim through my memories, trying to remember something Gojo-sensei might have told me. the only thing that sounds useful is the one I gave up on.

'Expand your own Domain,'

I sigh. That stupid sensei. Why couldn't he just kill the Spirit?

'Haneki. If you think like that, you won't make any progress,'

I pause for a moment. The Spirit still stares at me, venom in her black eyes. Without giving me another chance to think, she charges at me once again. With the spiky wall of the Domain behind me, I realize I'm trapped. The Spirit is now only a few feet away from me.

Hakuto. Natsuki. Mom. Dad. I guess I'm joining you guys now.

Then I hear the voice I least want to, "Giving up already?" I look around and spot Itami. The other Spirit stops mid-air and immediately back off. She looks terrified. Is it because of Itami?

"You're not that weak," Itami says mockingly, "Or did I overestimate you?"

"Yeah," I answer, allowing my body to relax from my stance. Itami spins around me once, as if he was observing me.

"No, you have it in you," He finally says, "The Energy; let it all out. What's keeping you from expanding your Domain? It should be easy,"

"Then you do it," I say angrily. Then I suddenly remember the Cursed Spirit, standing rigid on the other side of the terrain. She stares at Itami with fear in her eyes, and the once-visible confidence is gone. I look at Itami, who seems to be mindlessly floating around. Again, I wonder just how scary Itami is to other Spirits, as their reactions seem to be f*cking terrified. How strong is Itami? I look back at him and allow myself to look through him, at his Cursed Energy.

But I don't see anything.

"Huh," I wonder out loud. Is it because we share Cursed Energy? I mean, I don't see my own either. I ignore the sudden curiosity and focus on fighting the Spirit again.

(644 words)

surprise surprise im back (for now) hehe

ill prob disappear for a while again so sryyyy

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