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On the snowing morning of December 24, the cries of a newborn baby fills the house. The Gojo family is happy to see the new girl, seeing a chance to have two kids with Limitless and Six Eyes. This would go down in history. The parents, with a smile on their faces, names their little girl Haneki, and the baby laughs as if she likes it, too.

"Satoru!" The mother calls out, "Take care of Haneki while we get ready!"

12 year old Satoru comes running in, excited to see his little sister for the first time. The parents leave the room, having to get ready for Christmas.

Satoru looks at Haneki with his bright, blue eyes, admiring her small face, then her bunched up fists, and finally her wriggling toes.

'How cute,' he thinks while showing a smile. Haneki has one eye open, her right one. It is blue, like her brother's, but a darker, deeper tone. Her left eye, however, remains closed.

Time Skip

It becomes close to midnight, and the Gojo family gets dressed up for the feast they will have. The mother helps Haneki into her new kimono, still smiling. As she pats the baby's head, her ring gets stuck in the small tangle of hair. With a small yelp, Haneki opens her eyes, and starts tearing up. The mother immediately stands up, dropping Haneki to the floor. The once bright smile is gone.

"Sh- she's C- Cursed!" The mother rushes out of the room and finds her husband, dragging him to the crying baby. He looks confused, and asks, "What's wro-" He stops mid sentence as he catches sight of Haneki's eyes. One blue, one red. Right blue, left red. Odd eyes. His daughter had odd eyes. His daughter. His daughter was Cursed.

"What do we do...?" He asks, not daring to look at her. No one talks for a while.

"...leave it to me," She finally says with a sigh, "Tell everyone else she's dead,"

He nods and slowly backs out of the room. The mother picks up Haneki with three fingers and holds them as far away from her as she can, as if her eyes were contagious. She slowly sneaks outside, hushing the laughing child. With a taxi, she rides her way to the city, where she finds a quiet alley. With one swift move, she has caught another taxi, the baby no longer in her hands anymore.

As she arrives home, she is greeted with the rest of the family, their heads down with tears dropping down their cheeks. Seems like her husband had spread the false news.

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Her sister says, "I knew you both loved her," The parents nod along to the words, squeezing tears out of their dry eyes.

Time Skip

It is a normal morning for the Kasumi family, or it was. As the whole family, the parents and two siblings, are taking their usual stall, they hear the noise they have least expected: the cries of a baby. They give each other confused looks, then run towards the sound. In a dark alley, they see the baby, wearing a ripped and dirtied kimono.

"Poor baby!" The elder sister, Natsuki, says.

"We shouldn't leave such a young child here," The father says in a stern voice. Without a second thought, the brother, Hakuto reaches down and picks up the now quiet baby.

"Let's go home," The mother says.

Time Skip

When they reach home, the baby has fallen asleep again. Hakuto sets her down gently on the sofa, not caring about the dirt on her clothes.

"Well... she needs a bath," The mother says slowly.

"Can't we let her sleep first?" Natsuki asks, "She looks so cute like this!"

"Yes, sleep first," The father says, hanging his snow-covered coat on the cloak hanger. The family washes their hands, and when they come back, the baby has woken up.

"Throw it away! Throw it away!" The mother shrieks, "No wonder she was alone in the streets!!" The father reaches down to pick her up.

"No! Stop!" Hakuto is the one to stop them.

"Hakuto, having her in the house is bad luck!" Natsuki shouts, the warm eyes she used to look at the baby gone.

"It might not be! Please, can't we keep her? Please!" Hakuto screams the last part. The parents have always liked Hakuto, as he was smart and athletic, and were always willing to listen to him. Today was no different.

"Please?? I'll take care of her!" He says, then quickly adds, "Most of the time," The parents look at each other, a little convinced.

Natsuki starts, "But Mom-" Hakuto glares at her shut up.

The father finally sighs and says, "F*ck, Hakuto, fine. But don't think we'll be happy about it," Both parents usually take great care in not swearing in front of their children, but they really weren't happy with the situation.

Time Skip

The calendar read December 24, Haneki's birthday. Of course, no one celebrated it. But the family knew it. It said so on a tiny piece of paper they found. [Haneki. Birthdate: 2001, Dec. 24].

"Make her shut up!" The father yells at Hakuto as Haneki starts crying for food. Hakuto rushes over to his room, the only place Haneki is allowed to be in, and starts patting her head; she seems to like this. 

"It's okay, it's okay," He repeats the words over and over again, until Haneki calms down. He then beams her a smile and takes a banana out of his shirt.

"I got you some food," He whispers. He then starts peeling the fresh fruit, giving Haneki small bites of it. After she clears half of the banana, Hakuto covers the other half with the peel, then puts it on this desk for later.

"Hakuto!" The mother calls.

"Oh, I have to go," Hakuto rises from the bed and starts walking away, "And happy birthday,"

Time Skip

"So, you are 3 now," Hakuto says to Haneki, who is still quite small. Haneki nods, not showing any emotion on her face.

"I'll try to buy you something after school," He promises. Then he's gone to school.

"Hey! Come out!" The father shouts from the living room, "I got something for you!" Haneki slowly goes out, knowing better that it wouldn't be a birthday gift. When she reaches the living room, she sees him with a black device in his hands, about the size of a small grape. The man looks down at the small child, wondering for a millionth time why he ever agreed to keep her.

"Stay still," He orders. Then he takes out a knife and puts it close to her neck. Haneki flinches as the cold metal touches her warm skin. With rough yet careful hands, he cuts her the side of her neck. Blood streams down immediately, pooling on the floor. Haneki whimpers but doesn't move nor cry. He takes the device and puts it in the new hole he made, making Haneki flinch again.

He wraps a long strap of bandages around the wound, then says in a stern voice, "Don't tell anyone about this," 

When she nods, he points at Hakuto's room, "Go back in,"

(1167 words)

So the prologue is in third perspective, but i'm think of doing the chapters in first perspective.

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