Chapter 7

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Before I can say anything, he is talking again.

"So who do I kill next? Your mom? or your dad? or... both?"

"..." The words don't leave me. How could I choose? If I chose one, it would be like I was killing the other.

"Or did you want that sister of yours to die instead?" He asks, the veins and arteries at the back flicking in an amused way. When I stay quiet, he nods and floats out of the room.

"Guess you wanted both dead..." He mutters quietly, but not quietly enough. Alarmed, I rush out. No matter how much I hated them, I didn't want them dead. When I'm out, Mom and Dad are already dead, Itami floating above their lifeless bodies. However, Natsuki is still alive.

"What did you do?!" She yells at me, a kitchen knife in her hand. I raise both hands in the air, trying to prove my innocence.

"I- I just came ou-" I start.

"Die! You b*tch!" She runs at me, and swings the knife. I dodge the swing and watch in horror as she accidentally cuts her own throat. She falls on her knees, hands desperately grasping her throat, the knife still there. Everything around her is instantly splattered with blood.

"H- Help...!" She says hoarsely, "T- take it... out...!" With a trembling hand, I pull the knife out of her, and a squirt of blood lands on my face. When the bleeding doesn't stop, I'm sure that she'll be dead soon.

"It's all... your fault...!" She whispers angrily, "Your... fault..." Then she's dead. I look at her, then Mom and Dad. All drowning in blood. All dead. Then I look up and see that Itami is still there.

"F*ck you!!" I shout at him, throwing the knife at him. I miss, and it drops onto the floor with a small clang.

"It was your choice," Itami says, "At least now you'll be happy! No more people to shout at you, hit you, or blame you! How happy!" He continues rambling about my happiness but I don't hear him. All I hear is Natsuki's last words it's all your fault. It's all my fault. All my fault. My fault. Mine. Her words ring in my head, and it's all I hear and know right now. Drenched with guilt, I raise the knife to my wrist, and cut it without hesitation. My hand instantly drops to the floor, but it disappears just as quickly. When I look back at my wrist, my hand is back, as good as new.

"What the-?" I repeatedly cut myself with the knife, but the wounds heal instantly. 

"How do you like it? Regeneration," Itami asks, "Never experienced it before, huh?" I look at the healed wounds; they didn't even leave a scar. I move the new hand once, and it feels just like my old one. I guess that's kinda cool. But before I know it, I have made my way over the the balcony and flung myself over it.

(493 words)

Sry that I updated it so late

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