Chapter 4

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"Bye..." I wave my hand at Hakuto.

"You! Don't talk," Mom says coldly. I flinch and nod.

Hakuto gives a warm smile and says, "I'll visit," I return the smile. With a last goodbye, Hakuto is gone. Sadness overcomes me immediately, and I miss him already. Hakuto is going to Tokyo University, and although it's the same city, the university is far from our home. Which is why he decided it would be best for him to stay in the school dormitories.

Time Skip

I look out of the window and see cars honking by, the street lamps blinking on. It becomes as bright as day again, except for the few areas where the lights have long died. I sigh as I see a small photo of Hakuto taped on the window. It was taken on his 10th birthday, a big chocolate cake in his hand. I lift the photo up, and see another one underneath. It's a different photo of him and me together, taken in secret. It is probably the only photo of me in the house, or anywhere. How was I going to live without Hakuto? If only Natsuki went away too, that would make it better.

"Good night," I hear Mom's voice out from the living room. I hear the click of the lights going off, and the doors closing. I count to 100 in my head, then quietly stand up from the bed, leaving the location tracker on the pillow. I slowly open the window, careful to not make a sound. I then climb out of it, stepping on the thin railing. I close the window, leaving it unlocked, then jump. When I'm close to the ground, I reach out my hands and grab onto the railing of the second floor, three floors below from where I started.

"Hush, boy!" I hear a girl's voice say as a dog starts barking loudly. I jump again, landing on the ground. I'm in an alley way, the ground littered with trash. Stray cats sense my presence and hurriedly move away. I pull the hoods of my clothes down to hide my hair, since white hair can easily be spotted from Mom and Dad's room. I start walking slowly, looking around. I have snuck out a few times before, especially after I got the location tracker out of me. The first time, I almost got lost.

"Oi, little girl, what are you doing out here, all alone?" A man asks as I past. He seems drunk. His friends pat him on the back, laughing loudly. I ignore them and continue walking.

"I'm talking to you," He says, turning around, "Just stick around for a bit, ey?" I quicken my pace a bit. As if angered, he grabs my shoulders, and force me to face him. I close my left eye right away, sensing their reaction.

"Oh, you winking?" He asks, his breath smelling toxic. I glare at him to let me go.

"Soften up, girl," he says giving a goofy smile. Yup, drunk. Not wanting to deal with some drunk guy, I hit him in the elbow, forcing him to let go. Good thing Hakuto made me study the anatomy of a human. I start running, and look back once to check he wasn't following me.

(538 words)

I just wanted to add a drunk guy. don't ask. Oh and another time skip between chapter 3 and 4

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