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Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out my book!

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Please read what I have written below before you begin.

The following book is the first book in my ongoing series Spellbound.

Original published in October of 2022, as my "spooky month story", this book (and the others that will be published throughout this year) is a witchy plot driven romance.

If you are a reader of my other books you will find this one much more "tame" than my others as far as "naughty" scenes go, and it is also pretty short. I still labeled this book as 16+ because of language and a couple of mild intimate scenes.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my book and let me know what you think as you read.

I love "loud" readers and feedback so all comments & votes are much appreciated. ❤️

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LoveSpell - SpellBound Book 1  18+✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now