☆Roo Confronts Bea☆✔️

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It was just a normal day.

At least that's how it started.

Nash drove me to work, which he had been doing a lot here lately.

Though it was nice, I chalked it up to him still being under the spell's influence, but I didn't complain.

Even though I knew now that the spell didn't work on him like it would have if he wasn't also a witch, it still would have had some effect-at least I thought it would have-but I had no way of knowing just how much or for how long.

But regardless, there has been something different about him lately.

Something almost off.

He seemed to be taking an even greater interest in my safety and wellbeing, to the point where it was as if he could sense something wasn't right.

When he first told me that he thought we were Fated, I almost didn't believe him; however, seeing how we could both sense each other's emotions led me to believe that it was the most logical explanation.

There hadn't been a story of two witches being Fated for almost two hundred years, but this connection we had was the only way to explain it.

At work that day, I went about my normal routine.

I was walking around happily helping customers with a smile that seemed to be permanently etched onto my face these days.

I knew bad shit could happen and was just as likely to at any second, but the fact that I now had Nash in ways that I never even expected made those things seem trivial.

I knew that they-he and the Arkarayln-were the reason that Tamera and Felix couldn't be accounted for. They weren't dead; they were under the Arkarayln's protection, and that was why they couldn't be tracked. And Luna knew it; she knew where they were and why they were there, and that's what had her so scared.
Losing two of her own to the other side and being unable to track them. I never even knew that a spell like that existed, but Nash told me there were far more interesting and serious things that Luna had kept from me and everyone else.

But as far as Nash and I were concerned...

I was in such a blissful daze, my mind wandering back to the perfect morning I had had with Nash, that when Roo approached me, I was completely taken off guard.

I could tell by the look on her face that there was something wrong.

She was practically fuming.

The smile fell from my face the moment I looked at her.

She grabbed my arm roughly in her hand, squeezing it to the point where I thought her nails were going to break the surface of my skin.

"We need to talk." She says completely ignoring the fact that I'm in the middle of an exchange with a customer.
"Now!" She growls, gripping my arm tighter in her fist.

"If you will excuse me for a moment." I say politely to the man.

"What is going on?" I ask, feigning complete ignorance and innocence, to Roo.

"You know exactly what the hell is going on, Beatrix." She pulls me into the backroom, wagging her long, pointed finger in my face.

"No, I'm afraid I don't."

"Oh, come off of this high and mighty, miss, do no wrong act you've got going; it's me!"

"I have no clue what you are going on about, but if you will be so damn kind to excuse me, I have work to do."
I say walking past her.

She grabs my arm once again, causing me to spin around.

"I fucking saw you." She practically spits at me.

"Look," I say, jerking my arm out of her grip. "I don't know what you think you saw, but I have better things to do."

"I know you cast the forbidden spell, Bea." She says to my back as I start out the door.

I stop in my tracks, spinning on my heel.

"And you are what, Roo? Here to drag me into Luna to tattle on me? A bit early to be out for blood, isn't it?" I stand up to her in a way that I never would have before.

The truth is, I was just sick and fucking tired of being treated like a child. I was sick of being treated the way I had been by everyone of them since I joined the Coven.

"That's a bit harsh coming from the one who always seems to be the one..."

"Don't you fucking dare, Roo. Don't you fucking dare." I shove my finger in her face, knowing what she is about to start with.
"If you didn't come to turn me in to the real ' Ms. High and Mighty, Roo, what the hell are you here for?"

"I came to warn you. Luna knows, and if you care anything about your precious lover boy, then I would highly suggest that the two of you get the hell out of dodge." She sounds less like the bitchy Roo and more like the one I could half stand most of the time.

"How long?" My thoughts are now consumed with Nash and what Luna may do to him if she is given the chance.

"What?" She looks confused.

"God Roo, how long? Before Luna...."

"Tonight." She says brushing past me. "You have until tonight. And Bea? I was never here." She walks out, disappearing into the crowd of customers that has formed in my absence.

I have to warn Nash. But I know that as soon as I do, he's going to try to stop what I have planned. No matter what happens, I won't let her get to him.

Now, I just have to figure out exactly what I'm going to do and how the hell I am ever going to pull it off.


End of Chapter 17

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