◇No Exceptions◇✔️

18 4 0


There was no easy way to go about it, that much was certain. It was pretty much the only thing that was.

As soon as Roo had disappeared, leaving me standing there trying to sort everything out in my mind, it was like a new determination had taken over me.

I knew I was no match for Luna, she had proved that before. But I also knew that I couldn't let her get to Nash.

Under the Arkarayln's protection she couldn't trace him, so the only way that she could get to him was through me and I was hell bent on not letting that happen.

So I called him, letting him know that there was a situation with the coven and that I wouldn't be home until late.

I worked hard to try to keep my emotions in check while I was on the phone knowing that, even with him being so far away from me he could still sense something was off. I was hoping that he would just believe it was my worry from the not taking the Yonerak potion.

"Is there no way for you to get out of it?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"No, I have to be there or she will be even more suspicious of me."

"Just stay as far away from her as you can. As long as you don't let her get too close she won't know, don't worry love."

"I'm not." I lie.

"Bea," he starts.

"Right. Ok so I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be. You'll be fine. If I sense something is wrong...."

"No, under no circumstances are you to intervene. I can take care of myself Nash. The less involved you are, the better."


"No exceptions." I say cutting him off.

"Just be careful." He says knowing that it isn't going to do any good to argue with me on it.

"Yeah. "

"I love you."

"I love you too Nash." I say ending the call.

Under different circumstances I would be over the moon with him telling me that he loved me the first time but right now I didn't have the time to be happy, I had a job to do.


I knew that if I stood any chance of pulling this off I had to act fast.

I had to do the one thing that she wouldn't expect from me, which was confronting her, before she had the chance to confront me.

The element of surprise was the only thing that I had on my side, but I knew that it most likely still wouldn't be enough to save me.

But it may be just enough to save Nash.


"Luna" I call out to her as I enter the part of the catacombs that served as her lair, or "office" as she referred to it as.

"Beatrix!" She says obviously surprised at my sudden presence.
"And what do I own the honor of your visit today?" She asks with a smug expression.

"I just thought I would come turn myself in." I say simply. "You know, before you came hunting me down."

"Why, what do you mean?" She says folding her hands, looking me up and down trying to decide her next move, seeing just how much I know, or am willing to say.

"Cut the shit." I say to her which wipes the smirk from her face.

If there is one thing that Luna hates it is a challenge, particularly one coming from a mere Common like me.

"Boy have you gotten brazen lately." She responds. "Do I need to remind you Beatrix exactly whom you are speaking to?"

"No, I'm quite aware who and what I am speaking to."

"Sit!" She commands waving her hand at me forcing me to sit down in the chair behind me.

"No!" I say fighting against the unseen force that is making me move.

I struggle briefly before I can feel the effect of her magic breaking.

"Well, look who has finally learned some new tricks." She smiles.

Maybe it was just my hopeful imagination but I could almost see a slight sense of panic flash across her face.

She had definitely not been expecting that.

And it was nice to see that at least in some small way I was able to withstand some of her powers.

It gave me the little bit of confidence I needed to do what I knew would soon be coming next.

I just had to wait for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity. And I had to be careful not to show her all of my cards too fast.

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't the only one who had surprises... just when I thought that I may be gaining a bit of an edge, Luna snaps her fingers, which was her usual way of calling to Valerie, but instead another familar face appeared a few seconds later.

I turn towards the doorway to the sound of the approaching footsteps....

And in walks Roo.


End of Chapter 18

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