☆An Escape☆ ✔️

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When I opened the door and found Nash standing there that night, I couldn't believe it.

And then the kiss!

That kiss was, wow!

That was the kind of kiss that girls swoon over in movies and books.

A kiss that makes your heart beat fast, your breath catch in your lungs, little beads of sweat break out across your forehead, and your thighs clinch together.

He kissed me the way that I had fantasized about him kissing me so many times before.

The way I hoped he would after everything had gone down with Yvonne.

Full of passion and longing.

A kiss that we have since repeated so many times.

But the look that followed had me momentarily second-guessing the spell and its effects on him.

There wasn't supposed to be any kind of psychotic infatuation-no crazy doting on every word or move that I made-just pure, honest love, as honest as it could be anyway.

And thankfully, that's what it was; that crazed look was fleeting, and the rest, well...

It was amazing.


The next few weeks were like living in a dream.

Nash had provided me not only with the companionship I had always wanted but also with the escape that I had so desperately needed.

As much as things were going right, with no sign of the Coven's intervention, I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I had done and was still doing to Nash.

Half a dozen times a day at least, I would find myself nearly telling him the truth before I would catch myself and realize how many more problems it would likely cause if I did.

We hadn't even progressed anything physical beyond a lot of heavy on top of the clothes making out.

And as wonderful as the little bit of intimacy was with him at that time, the guilt of the spell I had cast weighed so heavily on my mind that I couldn't bring myself to take it further.

But I still soaked up every second and waited for the day that I could.


The silence from the Coven was becoming deafening and had me worried almost to the point of paranoia that they were just busy plotting, ready to swoop in at any second to put an abrupt end to my newfound happiness.

Nash seemed to sense this paranoia and unease, so one Saturday, when we were sitting on the couch snuggled up beneath a blanket, he decided to confront me about it.

"Bea, can I ask you something?" He says with my legs in his lap.

"Sure, what's wrong?"

"I don't know; that's kind of the problem. The last week or so, you seem, I don't know, off. Is everything okay?"

I take a deep breath before I answer, trying to find a version of the truth that I can tell him.

"Yeah, well, actually, no. This..." I'm motioning between the two of us. "Just all seems too good to be true. And if I am being completely honest, I guess I'm just waiting for something to happen to mess it up." I say my voice growing quieter. "There are just so many things that I want to tell you that I just can't. Maybe one day..."

"Hey, love, listen." His voice is kind but serious as he reaches over, taking my hands in his. "You don't have to tell me what is going on if you don't want to or you aren't ready; just know that I'm here. When or if you want to or need me, I'm right here. Whatever it is, I will help you shoulder the weight of it. And," He pulls me to him. "Until then, just know that there is nothing you need to worry about as far as I am concerned. I'm not going anywhere, Bea, and you will always be safe with me." He says this as he strokes my hair and kisses me softly on top of the head before settling me comfortably in his arms.

If only it were that easy and I could truly believe his words.

I thought to myself as I lay there on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

Unfortunately, I felt as if this would all very soon come crashing down around us, and the worst part of it was knowing that because of me, Nash was likely to get hurt.


I was somehow sure-call it my intuition-that Luna, in her silence, was busy making plans.

With my mind in turmoil and still trying my best to relish every moment with Nash, I decided that I needed to make a plan of my own.

I had to figure out a way to escape.

Some kind of backup plan that would at least ensure that Nash came out on the other side of this okay.

Alone, I was constantly beating myself up for my selfishness.

Why, oh why, did I ever think that this would be a good idea?

I should have just left it alone.

But even as I thought about it, I knew that it never would have been that easy.

There was something about him. Even that first night that he moved in, that just drew me to him. Some kind of unseen gravitational pull that lured me in.

Even without the spell.


I needed a break from it. From all of the mental shit, I just wanted to be in the moment, enjoying the here and now, so when Nash came in and told me that he wanted to take me somewhere and show me something, I jumped at the opportunity.


"This is my favorite spot in the entire world." He says as we sit on the edge of the overlook, staring out at the towns below us. Everything is illuminated by the street lamps and lights from homes and businesses. The dark, black, star-filled sky serves as the perfect backdrop to this magnificent scene.

"How did you know this was up here? I've lived around here my entire life, and I didn't even know." I take it all in.

"You are not the only one who takes off in the middle of the night sometimes." He grins and takes my hand.

My mind goes back to when he first moved in and when he would come and go in the middle of the night.

This was where he was going?

If so, I didn't blame him; it was beautiful. And I don't think it would hold the same magic in the daytime as it did at night.

"I guess we both have our secrets." I smile at him.

"We do." He agrees. He tucks a finger under my chin, lifting my face upward. "And I am looking forward to learning every one of them." He says brushing his lips against mine.

Just like always, his touch sends tiny electrical impulses through my body, making me feel so alive.

In this moment, all alone, on top of the world, where nothing or anyone matters but us, I realize this is my escape; this is what I need: him. He is what I need. He is my escape.

I get on my knees as we continue to kiss and straddle his lap, throwing one of my legs on either side of his. His hands roam my body as my hands move through his hair.

Everything begins to slip away as my defenses come down.


End of Chapter 13

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