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Over the next couple of weeks, things were pretty quiet with the Coven.

Luna had accomplished what she had set out to do and had successfully frightened everyone into submission. Everyone was following orders, being on their best behavior, perfect little soldiers, mostly out of the fear of causing some kind of stir and potentially setting her off again, and their fate being the same as what they had just witnessed.

Other than our usual meetings, there was nothing to speak of.

Not with the Coven anyway.

My lovely neighbor, on the other hand, well, that was a different story.

The night after everything happened with Frankie and Ramone, I bit the bullet and went to his door.

I surprised myself that I didn't lose my confidence once again when he opened it and stepped aside, letting me in.

And since that night, the two of us have become good friends, with me doing the majority of the talking.

He seemed to always be listening, taking in every word I said as I talked about work, the neighborhood, him moving in next door, and any other random thing that popped into my mind that had shit to do with all of the crap that seemed to surround me everywhere else.

He didn't do much in the way of opening up about himself, though, and after asking what caused him to decide to move into this little nowhere place, all he said was, "Work."

After another week of these largely one-sided conversations, though,
I could see some of his defenses starting to wear down, and he warmed up to me a bit more. Quite a bit more.


"So you are always asking me why I keep such odd hours; what about you?" He asks with a grin, handing me a cup of hot coffee.

"What do you mean?" I reply, innocently trying to avoid the question and taking a sip of the steaming brew.

"Come on, Bea, you don't think I watch you too?" He smiles, looking down at me, causing me to nearly choke.

I sit my cup down on the table and wipe my mouth, coughing.

"I don't. Watch you."

"That's funny because I could have sworn that every time I look out my bedroom window late at night, I can see you. You know, there in your blue overstuffed chair by your window, pretending to read." He teases.

"Ok, so I may have noticed you once or twice." I'm a bit embarrassed, and I know my face is revealing every bit of it.

"More, like at least four times a week." He sits down across from me."But just so you know, I don't mind; why do you think I haven't put curtains up yet?" He winks while taking a drink from his cup. "But seriously, where do you go? You leave in the middle of the night in a rush and always come back in looking like hell."

"Thanks." I roll my eyes.

"I'm just being honest. So tell me, is there some guy you haven't told me about whose ass needs kicking?" He prompts.

"No, it, I-..." I let my voice trail off. He has never mentioned anything about other guys before; this would be so much easier if I could just tell him the truth. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I put my head in my hands.

"Yeah? Try me?" He reaches across the table, grabbing my hands from my face and holding them in his.

Beep beep beep beep

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