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I kissed him hard, taking him completely by surprise and causing him to back into the wall.

After a couple seconds, some of the shock wears off, and he starts to kiss me back. His hands moved to the sides of my face before gliding into my hair.

I can still feel the tears dripping down my cheeks as I try to deepen the kiss.

I can feel the calmness oozing from him and into me as our lips move against each other.

This is what I want. This is what I need.

I move my hand under the hem of his shirt, feeling his hot skin beneath my palms. This kiss is even better than it was in my dream, maybe because it was real, maybe because I needed it so much after what had happened. I don't know, but I did know that I was enjoying every precious second of it.

Just as I think this is leading somewhere, a burst of reality seems to smack him in the face.

He grabs my hands, breaks the kiss, and pulls away from me.

"Bea? What are you doing?" He asks staring down at me.

"I- I..." I stammer as I feel the tears well up again. Something about the way he looks at me makes me feel so stupid for ever allowing myself to think that he could possibly want me back.

He starts to say something but hesitates, and I quickly back away, shaking my head, before giving him the chance, feeling like a complete fool.

"Bea wait." He reaches out for me, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me back to him. He is only being sympathetic, and the last thing I need from him is his sympathy, or worse, his pity. I pull myself loose from his grasp, running back out the door and into my house.

Slamming the door, I press my back against it, feeling worse than I had before.

I sink slowly to the floor, unable to stop the flow of tears that endlessly stream down my face.


Why does this have to be my life?

What is wrong with me?


The next couple of weeks were silent.

Silent from the Coven.

Silent from Nash.

I missed the check-ins, all of them, and frankly, I didn't care.

I didn't have enough fight left in me at that point to even bother to care.

Luna must have given me some kind of exemption, some kind of forced 'silent treatment,' because no one called, messaged, or came by.

It was better that way, anyway.

I didn't want to see them.

They were the last people I wanted to look at.

The only person I really cared about seeing or having anything to do with was Nash, and due to my own embarrassment and the thought of him looking at me the way he had after that kiss, I was avoiding him like the plague.

LoveSpell - SpellBound Book 1  18+✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now