◇Love Spells◇✔️✔️

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Due to my newfound "gifts" that I had acquired, I had an arsenal of new skills at my disposal.

You see, all witches are born with certain basic powers.

Which largely consists of just the basic ability to perform magic.

You see, anyone can chant or mix a potion, but if you don't have the power already flowing inside of you, then it won't work.

Beyond that basic ability, each witch has their own unique gifts that develop over time; however, they stop developing at the age of maturity, or at least according to everything I have ever been told they are supposed to.

Not me. Throughout the years, I have been acquiring more and more of these 'gifts', these new abilities. Some of which I haven't even been able to fully test yet.

I have kept it to myself all this time. Being careful not to let anyone else know.

I don't think that Luna would like to be contradicted, but all the skills I had developed made me wonder how many others had powers far above their ranking. And what else they were keeping from us. Or if I was just different.

I had always had the ability to wish for things and have them come to pass.

And after what had happened with Vivian the night of the Briarwood fire, I was always careful to avoid wishing for things. Unless I really thought out all of the consequences of what may or may not happen if I did, and thankfully that skill was one I had been able to maintain complete control of.
Something about accidentally killing your whole family forces you to either completely lose control or take hold of it.

I took hold, and it would have been nice if I could just wish my way out of the Coven, wish Luna and all of my problems away, but unfortunately, it's more complicated than that.

Over the last couple of years and again in the last couple of weeks, I have read through at least two dozen old spellbooks that I have acquired since being out on my own. Spellbooks were used mostly for new Nitches to practice and to get their footing when first being taught as their powers were coming in-our own special kind of Dick and Jane stories. Aside from the select few that Luna approved for the youngest of our Coven, they were hard to come by, so gaining possession of so many different ones was not an easy task.

Luna didn't see the point in them, going right up to the point of banning them without actually saying it. She said that a good witch shouldn't have to rely on books; they should instead rely on their skills and their instincts.

I thought that maybe that was the reason that I could do more than the other Commons.

Either way, I wasn't about to mention any of it to her or the others because I feared the repercussions.

But you know what they say about banned books? Those are the first ones you should read.

Tonight wasn't one of those nights when I feared Luna and her wrath.

Nor would it ever be again.

I was over being afraid of what may or may not happen. Over being afraid of what vengeance the Coven would reign down on me for not falling in line like the good little witch I was supposed and expected to be, no demanded, no forced to be.

I was over it all, and for the first time in my life, I was putting my own feelings and my own wants first.

I was going to cast the forbidden love spell.

And that is exactly what I did.


LoveSpell - SpellBound Book 1  18+✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now