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"I see I'm not the only one with surprises." I spit angrily as Roo walks around to stand by Luna's side.

She looks at me as if to silently say she is sorry for betraying me, but I just let my gaze burn right through her, letting her know that I will never forgive her.

She has obviously been working with Luna to keep tabs on me this entire time. And the little bit of kindness she has shown me over the years-the semblance of friendship-was nothing more than a ploy to try to gain information from me.

She knew how much I despised Luna and the others, and she had been using that to her advantage all of this time.

No doubt, when she came to the store, pretending to give me a heads-up, she knew that I would do something like this.

Anything I could to save Nash.

As for how much she knew about him and our unique situation, that remained to be seen, so I may still have that to my advantage.

She quickly loses her sorry expression, replacing it with one of contempt as she stands at Luna's side, looking at me.

"I will give you one chance to explain Beatrix." Luna says once again, folding her hands over her stomach.

"How about we let Roo explain a few things first?" I counter.

"Very well." Luna nods, to which Roo's expression changes again, this time to one of panic. "Roo, why don't you tell our dear Beatrix exactly what she wants to know? Hmm?" She says her voice is fakely sweet.

When Roo doesn't utter a sound, Luna stomps her foot, the sound echoing off the walls.

"Speak." She commands, and Roo begins to spill out everything she has been keeping ever since she found me.

"I was watching you for a while before you came here. Luna said that it was my job to hunt you down and bring you to her. That it was my fault that Amelia had betrayed her coven and that it was my responsibility to bring you back."

"Why was it your fault?" Luna prompts.

"Because Amelia was like my own mother. She took me in after my parents died and was like a big sister or mother figure to me. She took care of me, and the only reason she first used the forbidden spell was to give me what she thought I wanted and needed: a dad. It was my fault she betrayed her brothers and sisters, her Coven, and it was my fault that Beatrix was left without guidance."

I can tell that she wants to stop speaking, but she is powerless against Luna's influence.

"It was my job to bring you here, to teach you, to keep you from finding out..."

"What about recently, Roo? Why don't you tell her about how you tricked her?" Luna cut her off from whatever she was about to reveal.

"Luna told me that I needed to make you think that I was on your side, so when I came to the store today, you would think that I was trying to help you, but..."

"Go on, tell her the rest." Luna urges and I can see a tear start to fall down Roo's cheek as she painfully tells me what she did.

"But it was a trap. We knew that you would try to protect him, that you would come here to make the ultimate sacrifice, just as Amelia did, so that we couldn't touch him." She concluded.

Luna, seemingly satisfied by what Roo has said, snaps her fingers, breaking the spell she has her under, and then adds.

"But what you didn't count on was the fact that we have him here already. As soon as you called him earlier, we were there, waiting."

"What?" I screamed at them. Luna smiles happily as if she knows she has succeeded, and I look around as if I could find or feel any sign of Nash.

I thought I could feel his presence, but I just shook it off. I searched for him in my mind, but something was still off.

He wasn't here. They were lying.

They didn't know about the connection.

They just assumed that I would react this way if I thought they had him here where they could hurt him.

I calmed myself down, trying not to let them see that I could see through their lie.

"Where is he?"

"You'll be reunited shortly." Luna says smugly. "For now, it is your turn to explain."


End of Chapter 19

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