Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

They both turned their heads and began to stare at me with their eye brows knitted in confusion. It looked comical. I giggled inwardly knowing I'm that funny.

"What? I felt left out." I said while crossing my arms and pouting childishly.

"Your so stupid Ava." Jesse muttered. I raised both my eye brows and pointed one of my long index finger at him.

"Says you." He sighed in defeat and annoyance.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? A girl coming down the stairs with just her, you know..With basically nothing on. What else was I supposed to think? Nobody told me about hunter, I've been away for nearly two months, and nobody told me!" He said exasperated while throwing his arms up aimlessly.

"Well, like you said, you was away. And it was hunters bird, I like boys." I stated.

"She has a boyfriend you know?" Hunter said while smirking at me. I smirked back at him not even giving him the satisfaction, even though inside my mind I was mentally strangling him.

"Nice one." I whispered harshly in his ear.

"Oh really? What's his name? Where is he from? how old is he?" Jesse rambled on, throwing questions at me without giving me the time to answer them.

"who was that girl anyway hunter?" I said, cutting him off and trying to steer the topic away from me and my love life. Luckily, it worked.

"Yeah man, she was a hottie, nice pick."Jesse said while winking at hunter. I looked at him accusingly.

"You have a girlfriend Jesse!" I hissed.

"What she doesn't know wouldn't hurt her. Anyway, I dumped her." He said like it didn't bother him at all. I looked at him with my widened eyes.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"There was nothing there anymore. It was for the best." I sighed and closed my eyes while I began massaging my head.

"Your 24, you should stop pretending to be the player and actually settle down."

"I will once the right girl comes along. It's clearly not my time yet." He said while smiling.

"So who was the girl?" I asked, looking at hunter.

"I think her name was something like..Brooke? I'm not actually quite sure. I've missed the girls so I wanted to see if I still had it in me."

"Well, you got your answer, don't do it again." I said while glaring at him evilly. I really didn't want to come home and find him half naked with a girl again. It got me into problems this evening and I dont want anymore. Then suddenly, it hit me.

"Hunter?.." I said slowly.

"Yes?" He asked confusingly.

"Get some clothes on!" I squealed while covering my eyes and running out of the room. Before I got out the room, my body met the wall and I let out a squeak of pain. I heard chuckling from both of the boys. Oh, feeling the love tonight, aren't I?

Before I could embarrass my self any further, I moved slightly to the side and started running out the door and up the stairs to my room. I flopped forwards onto the bed.

I couldn't help but feel hurt in a way. He kissed me and obviously didn't think it was enough. I slightly felt disappointed, thinking that he kissed me maybe because he liked me? Even though I'm happy he doesn't. Yeah, I'm really happy he doesn't. I mean, I like Brody. Atleast I know now that hunter is a bit of a player.

How come he was homeless? Wouldn't some one let him live with them? Why couldn't he live with his brother? He's so confusing, and his past is equally as confusing. I vow to myself that once hunter trusts me enough, I will ask him the questions that have been burning my mind alive.

I huffed and decided to have a quick shower and get ready for bed.

Just as I got settled in to bed and was about to drift off into dream land. My door creaked open and I could hear a few chuckles emerging from the archway. I cracked open one eye and didn't have the energy to move anymore of my body. That was until the two boys jumped on to my frail body and knocked the air right out of my lungs.

"Woah." I screeched, well tried to, but it sounded more like a breathless whisper.

They both rolled over to the side of me, Jesse on my right an hunter on my left, with just one arm over the top of me on my lower stomach.

"Guys what the hell? And why are you both in just your boxers?!" I shouted while trying to cover my eyes. It burns!

Hunter and Jesse were both wearing black boxers, with nothing else on. It was bad enough seeing hunters six pack and knowing that there was only abit of black material that was covering only the one most embarrassing part of the body, let alone my brother.

"Because we know how much you like it, and we liked how you bumped into the wall." Hunter said playfully. I slapped his arm and scowled at him.

"Stupid." I muttered under my breath.

"Aw, come on Avie, don't be like that!" Jesse replied.

"Since when have you two become such good friends?" I asked tiredly. They've know eachother a little under an hour and they're acting like they're bestfriends and have been for years.

"Well, we had a talk downstairs and we just clicked." Jesse replied while shrugging his shoulders. I stared at him for a couple of seconds before closing my eyes and sighing.

"Cool...Get out now." I said tiredly while pointing to the door.

"Sure, sure." Hunter replied. I cracked open my eyes just abit so it looked like my eyes were still closed. Hunter and Jesse looked at eachother and Jesse nodded slightly. They both turned their heads to me and smiled suspiciously.

"I think we all deserve some fun." Jesse whispered to hunter.

"Damn right." Hunter replied quietly. I opened my eyes fully.

"What are you two on about?" I asked curiously.

"Shhh." They both said in unison while putting both their fingers onto my lip. I licked both of their fingers and they quickly pulled there fingers away, hunter smirked at his own finger while Jesse looked at me in disgust.

"Ew, that's not nice." Jesse exclaimed childishly with a glint of amusement in his eyes. They were planning something, I just knew it. Deep down, I was just a little anxious, Jesse and his planning could be lethal, trust me. He would always plan things and nearly kill me when he went through with them. And I know that I am so going to get ganged on with two boys in the house.

"Go to sleep now Avie." Jesse said while averting his eyes to the side to take a quick glance at hunter. Hunter smirked back while getting off the bed and made his way to the door with Jesse following behind.

"Sleep princess." Hunter said playfully. Just before he left he blew me a quick kiss and winked perfectly. How I wished I could wink like that! Then I realised what he did. My cheeks started to burn and I knew my cheeks were as red as Kayla's bedroom walls. I mentally slapped myself, I do not blush!!

That boy, I swear one day I will claw his eyes out with my future long nails and it won't be pretty. No way.


Just a filler chapter..

I know it's short, and I am sorry:( ill make up for it on the next chapter!


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