1. Finding Hangovers.

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Hey, this is my first book. hope you all enjoy it. would really appreciate if you give me some feedback and improvements. please comment, fan and vote:)

Hope you enjoy it:)!



Chapter 1-Finding Hangovers.

Hangovers. Everybody hated them, yet while you party the night away and drink yourselves into oblivion, you never think ahead.

This drink is going to make you terrible in the morning, stop drinking it and have fun, sober.

Yeah, now that was never going to happen.

I turned over in bed slowly. My head felt like someone was constantly hitting it with a hammer, my eye lids felt heavy and I felt extremely sick. It's all fun and games until you wake up the next morning in excruciating pain.

I rubbed my eyes fiercely hoping to clear my vision. When I started to wake up properly, I took in my surroundings.

Please be at my house, please be at my house! I silently pleaded to my self.

Now, we all knew that while you're wild and intoxicated with whatever alcohol beverage you had in your hand, you were never going to remember what you did in the morning. (That's if you ever got that drunk in the first place.)

We also knew that while you were partying it hard, you may also be doing something else hard. And that's what I worst feared. When I'm drunk, I'd do anything, I knew I could end up anywhere, but at the time I never think ahead and think of the consequences, I usually just left it to chance.

This time, unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side. I guess my chances had finally ran out.

I was in a room with decorated blue walls, a cream carpet, and a king sized bed which I was sprawled in alone, thankfully. I don't think I could handle seeing some man next to me sleeping peacefully, lets just say he wouldn't be peacefully sleeping once I had my boot in his face.

It may or may not have been his fault, but that wasn't the point.

Weirdly, the room did look strangely familiar but I wasn't in the state of mind to put a finger on it. And when it all sunk in, I came to realise, I was actually in somebody else's room, a boys room to be mistaken, so that means I could be - Do I even have clothes on? I lifted the silky blue blankets up to check.

Thank the Lord I had clothes on! To my relief I was still in my short black dress which was now twisted and uncomfortably wrapped around my body. I let out a sigh of relief.

I quickly rolled out of bed and laid my hands on my head trying to rub the pain away. I dragged myself to the bathroom to look into the medium sized mirror.

"Ah!" I squeaked.

I looked awful. My hip-length, brown hair was like a birds nest. My ocean blue eyes were dull and my eye lids were all red around the rims. I haven't been one to usually care that much about my appearance, but this, this was taking it to a whole new level. I couldn't even call Jabba the hut from
Star Wars ugly, because that would make me a hypocrite and a hypocrite I wasn't.

I slowly made my way out of the room and downstairs trying not to make a noise. Maybe I can get out of here without anyone seeing me, to spare the embarrassment. When my foot touched the last step, I let out a sigh of relief, the door was only a couple of yards away. So far so good I thought.

"Ava!" Uh-oh. Just my luck. I love you too fate, I really do.

I turned around slowly, here it goes, this is where I find out who the father of my child would be.

Okay, that's over exaggerating. We didn't even go that far.

"Open your eyes, Ava, it's only me." As soon as he said that, realisation dawned on me. I knew who he was. He was Cole, my best friend since middle school. And then it hit me, hit me like a ton if bricks. Did I sleep with him? Did he sleep in the bed with me? Why am I in his house? Did we kiss last night? All these questions were flying around my mind like butterflies, eager to be answered.

"Shit! I spent the night with you? Please tell me we didn't do anything Cole! Oh my god, oh my g-" He cut me off with his deep voice.

"AVA! Listen to me, we never done anything! I went looking for you when you left and when I found you, you were wrecked, so I carried you home and let you crash in my bed while I slept on the sofa. Jeez girl, calm down!"

I sighed with relief. That answered most of my questions. I loved him loads but I'm sorry, if we went further than hugs, I'd puke. He was my best friend and I wasn't attracted to him that way. Never in a million years. The thought even made me shudder with disgust.

"Thank you, I thought I was going to have a heart attack, I mean no offense but I wouldn't have wanted to do the nookie with you!" I said while waggling my finger frantically in his face and trying to disguise my face which was twisted in disgust.

"Haha, none taken. Your lucky I was sober enough to drive you here. I didn't take you home because I know how protective your brother is." He arched one of his brows. I rolled my eyes.

We all knew what he was like. If he was at his apartment he wasn't so bad, but if he stayed at the house then he was incredibly hard to get by, it would be question after question of where I'm going and what I'm doing. Not to forget the curfew of 10 at the latest.

"Good party though, but I was the one to really appreciate the party without getting drunk out of my mind." He stated.

It was a pretty extreme party, there was alcohol, people making out and sluts with hardly any clothes on. You know, the usual. It's not like I could remember half of it anyway, it's all a blur in the back of my mind, but that was the alcohols fault. Not mine.

"Yeah it was, and I can remember it!" I lied. "Well, I better go before my brother or whoever's home throws a cow. Thank you for being there when I'm pissed out of my mind." I smiled.

He laughed. I trailed over to him to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Anything for you avie, you know that. Be sensible next time." Cole scolded playfully.

"I can't promise anything. So, I'll see you sometime?" I asked while pulling away and walking to the door. I turned around and waved.

"Sure will. Bye!" He shouted back loudly, making my scull throb with pain.

"Not so loud." I muttered under my breath.

I stepped out into the fresh air, I remember Cole taking me to the party last night and that's about it. So I didn't have a car. Luckily it's not that much of a walk to my house, only a few streets away.

I made my way down the different streets, passing a few shops and houses. I live in a very calm and relaxed community. Everybody knows each other and are overly friendly. Some were abit rich and snobby but nobody could help the odd few.

After a few more minutes of walking along the warm green grass, my house came into veiw. I've got to say my house was really stunning. It's not the biggest but damn, did it sell for a lot of money.

It's a white and modern house with glass, many people always compliment the house, sometimes it doesn't feel cosy enough for me, or homely. But it's still a home, a really nice sleek home, so who was I to complain? I have more than what some people had.

While opening the large front door, I tried extremely hard not to make a sound. But it was much harder than I thought. The first step on the floorboard creaked, rather loudly. I'm sure it was loud enough for the sound to echo throughout the downstairs of the house.

"Shit." I whispered.

Oh what the heck I thought, I'm all about taking risks.

I sprinted as fast as I could from the front door, all the way up the 28 steps, across the hall and into my bedroom.

I jumped straight onto my bed, feeling like the ninja that I am.

The bliss and total comfort of my bed made me snuggle in closer. Oh, how I've missed the warmth and comfort of my own bed.

Just as I was slipping into a well needed sleep, I heard my door creak open. I didnt have the energy to see who it was, even though I should have really seen who it was, for all I know it could have been a serial killer.

"Where have you been?" My older brother, Jesse asked with a furious look across his face. Just then I wondered if it would have been better if a serial killer did come in instead.

"Jesse, please, just go!" I whined, my head still throbbing.

"No Ava. You was away all night. I stayed up half the night waiting and worrying, I thought something bad had happened. Luckily Cole rang to say you crashed at his place. You got me seriously worried Ava. What was you thinking?" He scolded.

"I'm sorry Jesse, I know you worry. One time! Just one time I wanted to get drunk. I told you I was going to a party. But, I won't do it again..I feel like shit anyway. I'd move earth to never feel like this again. My heads killing me." I groaned.

"Tablets and water are on your table, look. You're so lucky you've got me as a brother. I won't tell mum or dad. I'll let you off as I was your age once."

My brother is 25 and works as a lawyer, he has a girlfriend, Maya, and his own apartment. However, he stays at our house half the time as his girlfriend is still in college at the age of 22. She stays at campus most of the time, they miss eachother quite abit but I doubt they'll even stay with eachother any longer.

In highschool he was popular and a player. I was about 10, maybe younger when I remembered him coming home with chicks everynight. He's got the looks to do it, I must say. With his brown hair and blue eyes, his lip ring and his tats and what not. He's a bad boy disguised in a suit.

"Thanks Jesse, can I possibly go back to sleep now?" I pleaded, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

"Sure." He stated while shutting the door slowly.

Peace at last! I swallowed my tablet and snuggled back under the covers. As I was just about to fall asleep my phone started ringing.

I groaned. I'm starting to think its becoming impossible to sleep.

"Hello?" I croaked down the phone. I cleared my throat quickly.

"Ava, please come and get me. I don't know where I am." My bestfriend worried through the phone.

"Where are you Kayla?" After saying that I realised that it was the most stupid thing I could have said, she just said she didn't know where she was. I couldn't think straight.

"I don't know that! I just said I don't know." She snapped. Wow, touchy.

"Well, describe your surroundings or something then." I suggested while trying to stifle a yawn.

"I'm on a bench, there is a lake or river opposite me, a few people walking, a few trees and a field behind me."

"Kayla...you're in the park! God damn woman. Do you want me to come and pick you up? Considering you're only a two minute walk away from your house." I said exasperated. This girl seriously needed a brain check. She must have got drunk too last night. Not that I can remember but it's not overly hard to guess.

"I'm-I'm in the park? Oh. Well okay I'll see you later, bye bye." She said, and I could picture her red with embarrassment.

She hung up almost immediately. Well , that's kayla for you.

Kayla was my best friend, she's a kind hearted and happy girl, but she is very, very dumb. I should also introduce Emilia. She is also my best friend, we've been best friends since, well, forever. Emilia is the girly one of us all. Shopaholic and a 'omg I broke a nail' kind of girl. I am completely different to them both, I am the argumentive, sarcastic and fiesty girl, I'm not a Tom boy but I'm not actually girly. Needless to say we all have different personalities.

I put my phone back on my bedside table and attempted for the second time to fall asleep. This time, I'm out like a light and nothing stopped me, no interruptions or disturbances. It was pure bliss.

A whole night of partying and getting drunk. A morning of hangover and hardly any sleep.

A girl needs a rest sometime in a while, right?

My phone rang out loudly causing me to snap out of my dream and jump slightly from the bed.

How long had I even been asleep? How long can I stay asleep without being disturbed for that matter?

"Yes?" I muttered angrily down the phone not even caring who it was. I was too tired to care.

"I'm in trouble Ava, deep trouble!" Emilia yelled.

"Woah, Emmie, what's the matter?" I asked, a feeling of worry washing over me like a wave. Emilia was very rarely in trouble, and she barely ever needed my help.

"I've got something to talk to you about. Please could I come over?" She asked, her voice breaking just a touch.

"Sure, do you want to sleep over too?" I asked genuinely as I had a feeling I would need to take her mind off whatever was bothering her.

"Sure, I'll be over real quick. I'm so scared!" She cried.

"It's okay, just come over and I'll help you, okay?" I said through the phone, trying to help her stay calm.

In times like these, I knew how to stay calm and sound like I was in complete control. But my insides knew differently, I was just as worried as she was.

She sniffed. "Okay, I'll be over now, bye." She muttered sadly down the phone.

I hung up and put my phone back on the bedside table without another word.

I got out of bed and chucked a pair of clean sweats and a t-shirt on. This will have to do, besides, it's just Emilia. Not some hot shot boy, I didn't need to dress fancy.

I made my way down stairs into the living room and turned the telly on absentmindly. My life was so boring yet sometimes I liked it like that. I sighed. Half a second later, the door bell goes.

I walked to the door and opened it quickly. On the wooden porch was Emilia, tears rolling freely down her cheeks. My heart squeezed. I hated to see her cry, especially on my doorstep.

"Em? What's the matter?"I asked, pulling her into a well needed hug.

"Oh Ava, I need to tell you something that happened a while ago. Please, please don't hate me because I haven't told you!" She gushed into my shoulder.

"I promise I won't, come and sit down and tell me from the beginning." I demanded before grabbing her wrist and leading her to the sofa. We both plopped down on the expensive leather.

"Well, a month and two weeks ago, I was out late after going to the shop, I was walking down the ally, you know, on my way home and suddenly three men came up to me out of the blue. T-they...r-raped me! All three of them raped me and left me there!" She burst into tears again. "I tried to fight back
when they attacked me, but it was damn near impossible. They were too strong." She continued to blabber.

I sat there in shock for a minute, maybe two. This has got to be a nightmare, right? I pinched my thigh and cursed silently from the pain.

My best friend got raped and I didn't even know? I didn't even realise? I felt like the worst friend ever. How could I have possibly let her go through so much, let her deal with this all on her own? I could have cried for her, and I'm sure I will, but for now I had to be strong for her.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay." I soothed. "Why didn't you tell me? I knew you was feeling down and scared but you made up excuses. I feel terrible that I couldn't read the warning signs. You went through this on your own. You are so strong, everything is okay now. I'm here for you, I love you, It's okay. And if they come near you again I will torture them, you mark my words!" I spluttered.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I should have, but I was scared. But, that's not the only reason why I came here though av'.." I froze again. That's not the only reason? There was more? Oh good god, please no.

"Well, why else did you come? What else had happened, did they find you and do it again, please say you are jo-" I rambled but suddenly got cut off.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled.

And that right there was when my world had stopped spinning for just a moment.

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