Chapter 14

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Oh they kissed!

Enjoy ma'homies;)


Ps. I would just like to say..Joanne, charley and Emilia you all rock! And the greatest cousin in the world-Eleri- wouldn't know what to do without you all, thanks for the help!


Chapter 14- HUNTERS POV.

What the hell did I just do? Why did I have to kiss her? She has a boyfriend and she obviously didn't want to kiss me because she didn't even attempt to kiss me back. I'm such an ass!

I put my head in my hands. She wouldn't want a man like me. I wouldn't let her have me, she couldn't. I'm just bad news. She was kind enough to let me into her home, kind enough to even let me stay here for so long and now it's all ruined. I've ruined everything. She could kick me out, I'd be left homeless and to defend on my own. She wouldn't do that, would she?

I groaned. Anger suddenly bubbled up inside of me. Not because she did anything, but because of my carelessness and her beauty, why did she have to look so beautiful at that moment? The moonlight from the window shining onto her skin, making her look angelic. Her big, pale blue eyes were looking into mine and I didn't know what I was doing until it happened. I couldn't help the feeling of feeling whole while kissing her, it's like that missing piece had finally been found. Was she the missing piece to me? To my life? To my heart? Of course not. She can't be and she never will be mine.

I flop backwards onto my bed. Tonight's going to be a long night.



"Holy fuc-fudge balls! No way!" Emilia shouted excitedly jumping up and down fiercely on the spot. So fierce infact, I thought the baby inside her would pop out any minute.

"Careful!" Emilias mother scolded while scowling at her. Nice to know she's still the protective mother, but only now it's gone up a notch. I've always felt jealous of the relationship between Emilia and her mom. Her father is always away like mine and she doesn't see him often, but she has this special bond with her mom. She cares, she loves her more than anything and she's comforting. I would say she is more of a mother then my actual mother. I love the fact she has that motherly feeling to her too.

"Sorry." She said sheepishly while smirking at me. I playfully nudged her on the shoulder and then began to eat the rest of my meal.

"He kissed you? Even though you go out with Brody?" Cole asked. I gave him a firm nod.

"I won't tell him, cole won't either." Kayla exclaimed while looking over to cole. I finished chewing and swallowed it quickly nearly choking on my chicken.

"I didn't do anything so It's basically not that bad." I defended myself. I didn't see it coming and I was too shocked to move. Nothing in this situation is my fault.

"Still" they all said in unison.

We were all at Emilias house eating around her table. Me, kayla, cole and of course Emilia and her mom. We told cole a couple of days ago about Emilias pregnancy, he doesn't know about the rape yet however, and none of us plan to tell him just yet. He wanted to see her, so we arranged for a meal so we can all catch up. But of course, I had the more interesting stories. Even Emilias mother was looking at me with amusement in her eyes. And I clearly did not see what was so amusing about this. He kissed me! Hunter Collins kissed me. The stranger I found in my back garden. The stranger I took a chance on. And now the stranger who decided to kiss me even though he knows fully well that I have a boyfriend!

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