3. Finding Him.

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Chapter 3- Finding Him.

I jolted awake with a sweaty body and a pounding heart.

What was that about?

I couldn't quite make out my dream, but whatever happened sure scared me. I laid back down and pushed my body further into the mattress.

I tried, I really did try to get back to sleep, but it was useless. My eyes just would not stay closed. I had too many things on my mind. Emilia was one of them. I couldn't get over the shock, the anger and the sadness I got from what she told me. I just could not believe a thing she said.

Of course, I believed her, I just couldn't believe it.

I wasn't really tired anymore anyway so I took the duvet off my body and slipped out of bed. I tip toed down the hall and down the stairs, careful not to wake Jesse up, if he was here anyway.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the sliding doors to my back garden. The wind blew fiercely around me, making my hair fly everywhere. Surprisingly it wasn't even that cold, well, it was bearable.

I loved going to the back garden at night, everything was peaceful and it wasn't too hot. The wind blew and the temperature was perfect. There was always so much to hear, like the owls or the crickets, and I always found peace and belonging outside.

My bare feet stepped foot onto the dry, low cut grass and I made my way further down the garden.

I loved my garden, I loved the outside. The garden was not too small and not too large, it was perfect. My safe haven, my peaceful haven.

There was massive patches of various coloured flowers, and a big field to run about on. Trees and fences blocked the outside world from entering, keeping everything inside private, including myself.

My gaze flickered over to the little wooden building. It was the shed. It was red tiled and the size of two small sheds in one. It was quite the masterpiece. Quite the shed.

I stared at the shed for a little while, wondering if I should go and see whether it was unlocked. Which was highly unlikely, nobody left the shed unlocked, especially with all the equipment in there. But I decided to look anyway. I was just curious, you know how it is.

I made my way up to the lock to find it broken. Had we been robbed? I asked myself. This was my fathers prized possession when he was home. His shed. He loved it and everything that was in there. It was his place, and I hated to find out it was, infact, unlocked. Maybe Jesse had been in there earlier and forgot to lock it?

He was lucky dad wasnt here, he would have gone crazy on Jesse for leaving it open.

I quickly opened the shed doors to find everything still in its rightful spot.

That was until I found an extra something that wouldn't usually be there under a pile of blankets. Maybe someone hid something under there due to the weather or damage? I just hated not knowing what anybody did in this house. It obviously couldn't be my father, he hadn't been here since the last time I checked.

I swear I was going to kill Jesse for moving things and forgetting to lock the shed. Why did he have to be so careless?

Of course, curiosity got the best of me, so I quietly slid over to the pile of blankets and pulled them away.

Holy shit! My heart started to hammer against my chest and I jumped back in fright.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

The boy who was underneath the blankets shot up with wide eyes.

Yes, the boy!

Out of instinct, I went to punch this boy in the face but he quickly caught my wrists before my fist even got close to his nose.

"Who- Who the heck are you?!" I yelled. I was scared, no doubt about it.
"And what are you doing in my shed?!"

Weirdly enough, this boy looked strangely attractive. In fact, he was hot, like drool worthy hot! He had dark brown tousled hair, high cheek bones and deep green eyes. He had dirty clothes on and he looked too skinny and very pale. Like he hasn't had food, decent clothes or a shower for a long time.

"I-I, please don't tell on me!" He pleaded. What was this? Nursery? It Seriously felt like it right now. But this wouldn't happen at a nursery, well, I really hoped it didn't. This was frightening.

"Well, what are you doing here, in my shed? What brought you here?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I've got no where else to go." He croaked while looking to the floor. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean? Don't you have a home to go to? A bed to sleep in?" I asked while I started to walk backwards.

He shook his head, making his long brown hair fall infront of his eyes.

"Well, why are you in my shed? Or in my back garden for that matter?" I needed to know. I needed to know why he was here. What did he want? What did he want from me?

"Your shed looked warm enough for me to sleep in until the morning. I'm sorry, I'll be out now." He said while quickly picking up his blankets.

I know it may seem creepy for a hot homeless boy to be in my shed. But I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He doesn't have a home, this was the only place he thought would be good enough for him to sleep. Well, I think that was the situation. I hoped it was.

"Not so fast, I can't let you go yet. You could be a robber, why are you homeless? Don't think I won't call the Police." I threatened. His eyes widened and he gulped, rather loudly might I add.

"Because my parents are...dead. And I am most certainly not a robber, atleast they have homes." He muttered at the end. "Just, please don't call the cops. You can't." He pleaded desperately with saddened green eyes. Oh, those green eyes.

"Okay, okay. Well, where did you used to live? And where have you been for the last, I don't know..since you were homeless? Or most importantly, how long have you been Kipping here?" I asked while pointing furiously to the floor.

"I've been homeless for half a year and I've been sleeping here for a week, I was originally from california. Look, I'm just going to go now, sorry for waking you up and causing you trouble." He apologised.

"Uh..." I trailed off, not sure what to do, let him stay or let him go. My heads telling me to let him go, why would anyone take in a stranger they just found in their shed? it's weird. But my hearts telling me not to let him go, it's dangerous out there, he looks bad enough as it is. In the end, my heart just over powered everything.

I was totally doing the wrong thing here.

"No, no, you don't have to go. Why don't you come and have a shower, some food and a bed for the night, then we can decide what happens next, tomorrow perhaps?" I sighed. I defeated myself. I couldn't let him go, I just didn't have the heart. The guilt would be eating me alive up there.

I may regret this, for all I knew he could be playing tricks on me, but I doubted that somehow, he really did look uncared for.

"No, you don't want me adding more onto you, you don't need to do that. I'll be out of this shed now, just forget about it and please don't tell anyone." He said while making his way to the shed door. I moved infront of the door, so he couldn't go anywhere.

"I am not taking no for an answer." I scolded. "You will come and have a shower and some food, or I will drag you in there. You look frail and unwell, it's dangerous to be living like this!" I said frantically while waving my arms about. I am not letting him go when I had just decided he should stay for a while.

I also saw the way his eyes lit up when I told him. But he sadly disguised that with a blank look and saddened eyes.

He sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but I will be out of your way in no time." He stated.

"No need. Now come on." I demanded.

I walked out of the shed and up to the doors knowing he was following behind me. I turned around when I was inside the kitchen, he looked abit hesitant but he stepped foot into the house anyway.

I made my way to the bathroom which was next to my bedroom and stopped by the door.

"Go and have a shower, I'll go and get some clothes from my brother. Go in my room to change, I'll be downstairs making food, okay?"

"Um, yeah, thank you." He replied shyly.

I smiled and nodded while making my way to my brothers room. I opened the door to find an empty bedroom. I mentally sighed in relief. One less problem to worry about.

He must have been at his apartment for once.

I got a pair of sweats and one of his t shirts, I walked to my bedroom to put them on my bed. I heard the shower running so I knew he was in there.

After making pancakes, bacon and eggs, I put them on the table and waited for him to come down. Only a minute after, he sauntered into the kitchen looking much cleaner. Now I could really see how hot he looks.

Oh shutup, Ava. Stop taking advantage of the homeless.

"Here you go..." I stopped once I realised I didn't know his name. This is stupid. "um...what's your name?" I asked, red with embarrassment.

"Thanks and my names Hunter, Hunter Collins."

"Oh, Hunter, that's nice. My names Ava kemsley."

"Ava, thank you for doing this but you really didn't have to. I know it must be weird to find a boy in your shed and everything." He replied with a sorry smile.

"Yeah, just a little, but it's okay, seriously I'm more than happy to help, you needed it. How old are you?" I asked, realising I needed to get to know him, as he was living in my house after all.

"I'm 19."

"What about school? Did you graduate?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't in school long enough." Something flickered through his eyes but it wasn't there long enough. He seemed abit uncomfortable so I decided to change topic for his comfort.

"So.. I really don't think you should go, not yet, not until you've found your feet, if something happened to you. It's just dangerous out there on your own." I stated.

What the fuck was I doing?

"No, tomorrow I'll be out your way, you don't need me here." Hunter stated, looking sorry for himself. I wanted to roll my eyes in exasperation.

"Look, I'm making you stay, atleast take my word and stay for a month,I'll help you find a job, I'll let you stay here until you can get your own place." I offered.

"I can't do that, I don't think I could owe you back, with that I'd feel guilty, I don't deserve it." He looked pleading.

He says he doesn't deserve it, if anything he does deserve it, he's lost nearly everything. What could that possibly mean?

"How about we make a deal then, I'll let you stay in this house until you find your feet aslong as you get a job and enough money, maybe money to pay rent or to move to your own apartment, deal?" I asked, hoping he would take up on the offer.

He considered the deal before answering.

"Okay," he sighed in defeat. "But are you sure you don't mind? What about your parents? You obviously don't live here alone, will they mind?"

"They won't mind at all, they're always on business trips and my brother has his own apartment. They won't mind at all." I hoped.

He finished his food so I took his plate and dumped it in the sink, along with the cutlery.

"I'll show you to your room. " I said before walking him to the guest room which was located two doors down from my room. I opened the door and stepped in, it will be enough for him to sleep in, it was warm and cosy enough.

"Here you go, this will be your bedroom for now, do as you please. I'll help you search for a job tomorrow or something, goodnight then. " I said while waving lamely. I looked at my hand and dropped it stupidly.

"Thank you, I couldn't possibly repay you, good night." He smiled.

I closed the door and made my way to my own room. It was now 4 am. Luckily there was still two weeks until school starts again due to summer break. I slipped into my bed and laid my head on the pillow.

I sighed softly.

I hope I made the right decision letting hunter stay in this house with me. I know it was the right decision because I was helping him, I was helping someone who was less fortunate than I was. I knew there was more to him than meets the eye, he was very intriguing and I needed to know more about him, obviously.

I didn't know where he came from, or basically who he was, but over time I'll get to know him and he'll let me in on his past, in his own time. I'm pretty sure things will work out.

During that night (or morning) I had finally figured out why I let him stay. There was only one reason. Through my mind, there was something telling me to make him stay, and now I knew why I needed him to stay here with me.

I just didn't want to be lonely anymore. I wanted someone here in the house, to know I was safe, protected and cared for in a large house. I finally had company instead of being alone when everyone was away. I was happy I wasn't alone anymore.

I hated being alone.


Chapter three complete. Man, I love editing this again! This needs so much editing!

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Hope you enjoyed!

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