Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Wake up sweetie" My mothers soft voice fills the silence of my room. She gently shakes me. My eyes flutter open.

"Your alarm didn't wake you."

"Oh, What time is it then?"It couldn't have been that early, it was still dark.

"Well, you've got about 10 minutes before lessons start."

"What?!" I screech while jumping out of bed and running for the shower. I take the quickest shower I think I've ever had. I chuck on the first things I could find, blue jeans and a hoodie which is much to big for me, but I don't have the time to care. Quickly, I brush my hair and put it into a messy bun, I then apply some mascara and lip gloss. I grab my bag and run to the front door, not even bothering to say bye. It was light out, in my sleep state I must have thought it was still dark as the blinds were down.

I jump into my car and speed my way to school. I've got two minutes before lesson starts to get my things from my locker and then go to class. Not enough time.

I run to my locker, bumping into most of the student body, earning death glares from some of the girls, most probably nearly bursting a fake boob or something. I skid across the floor to my locker, quickly packing the stuff I need and running the opposite direction to class. As my first class is at the other end of the school, running there takes a minute.

I'm late. Not by a lot but I'm still late. And I hate late.

I run to the door and quickly push it open. I step in looking a mess. My bag half way down my shoulder, my jacket looking abit messy and I'm sweating and panting.

"Wow Ava, what have you been doing?" Cole asks.

"Doing someone in the closet was you?" Brody asks. I flip him the bird.

"Stop it you too. Anyway, why are you late?" Mrs hills asks.

"My alarm didn't wake me, I woke up late. I'm not that late anyway miss." I pant. I'm so unfit.

"No, your not. Sit down then." She gestures to my seat. I walk over to my usual seat, two seats down from Brittany and her killer glares. I give her a back off glare and she quickly turns away.

"Today you will just be doing abit more of your projects, so everyone go and sit with their assigned partner." Mrs hills said.

"Oh, and Brittany, as you wasn't here yesterday you will be partners with cole." From the corner of my eye I could see Coles smile drop. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Have fun" I laugh while patting his hand and making my way over to the empty seat next to Brody.

"So you still coming to mine after school then cupcake?" Brody says

"I've got no choice."

"Don't be like that, deep down your so excited." He smirked. Deep down I was excited, but I wouldn't let him know that.

"Ph, I'd be more excited if I was to stick pins in my eyes." I stated.

"No you wouldn't, that would hurt and your a girl, you don't like pain."

"So now you know me? I'm not like the other girls, I'm not frightened of pain, if I didn't feel pain I'd be dead. Pain is life I'm afraid, so I'm not afraid of it." Stuff that up your pipe and smoke it.

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