Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I knocked on emilias door waiting outside on her porch. I needed to see her as I felt bad for not checking up on her for a while. I also needed advice on what to wear for the date tonight. Saying I was excited for this date is an understatement, I'm ecstatic. I've been day dreaming all day, wondering where he maybe taking us. And I NEVER day dream about things like this, I'm not that girly and lovesick, usually.

"Ava!" Emilia yelled in my ear, I jumped and quickly snapped out of my daze. I didn't even realise she opened the door and was standing before me.

"Oh, hey. I need your help." She folded her arms and put one leg Infront of her. Her arms securely on top of her little baby bump.

"What shall I help you with today?" She asked

"I'm going on a date with Brody an-"

"Brody! Your going on a date with Brody Mathews!? The boy you been crushing on since you were like..14?!"

"Yep" I said while popping the 'p'.

"So you need something to wear? Some help?"

"Yeah, I need some help..what should I wear? He said a dress but what kind?" I asked

"You better come in." She said while motioning me inside. I walked into her living room and sat on her expensive leather sofa like I owned the place. I was there often enough, when we were younger me and kayla would stay round every Saturday. We were inseparable, especially on weekends.

"Where's your mom?" I asked

"Shopping for some things. She's been gone most of the day."

"Ah, it's good to get her out I suppose, will you ever get out?"

"I don't know, most probably. I'm just scared at the minute. What will people think of me as pregnant? What if the racists come back?" She said with fear evident in her voice.

"Do it in your own time. Don't worry about what people think and they won't come back, maybe we can go out sometime when your ready?" I asked

"Yeah, sometime..when I'm ready" she gave me a fake smile, telling me not to worry about her. I just can't help but worry.

"So, I'll go and get a dress for you from upstairs."

"You don't need to give me a dress, I just came for advice, the colours and things like that." I explained.

"No, I insist. Ill go and get you a dress from my room now."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pregnant anyway, it's not like I can wear them anymore." I gues that was true. I still can't quiet believe my best friend will actually be a mama. I know she'll be a great mommy. I can see she's scared of being a single parent and looking after such a fragile thing. I know she's scared that she doesn't know the father and knowing that her baby will grow up without it's real father. It's heart breaking for her. She acts strong but I've known her long enough to know she isn't.

"Thanks." I said while she made her way up to her bedroom.

"I'll get you the perfect dress!" She shouted from the top of the stairs. I laughed and layed my head down while closing my eyes. I could hear her banging around upstairs, most probably throwing everything out of her closet like they do on movies.

After 5 minutes of waiting, she shouted for me to come upstairs. I practically ran upstairs with curiosity and excitement. When I looked at the dress my eyes widened. It was amazing.

"Put it on, I want to see what it looks like on you!" She beamed

"It's gorgeous em. I've never seen you wear it." I said while tilting my head to the side.

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