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Lev had finally cornered his little friend. Word around the yard was a few of his ex employees were scheming to take him out.


Start an uprising.

Take what he'd painstakingly built, and claim as their own. And while normally he'd admired the ambition, for his new best friend Houston, he had, as he gleefully stated, a problem.

The shower was the ideal time. Lev closed in on his target.

"I kept going back. Trying to remember where I know you from."

Houston swallows roughly and smiled. "Oh? And you've placed it, Lev Romanoff?"

Lev nodded gently, the water running down his face. "You...you were there. The night she died. I couldn't remember. I didn't want to. But now...I do."

Houston glanced up. "So what now?"

Lev blinked. His eyes stung. "I want you to go. Disappear. Go into solitary. Get transferred. Just stop showing your fucking face around here."

Houston glanced down. "Hurts too much?"

Lev clenched his jaw. "Don't fucking patronize me."

"Because I was there? Because I watched you fail? Heard her dying whimper and beg you hold her hand? Watched you run away—" Lev slammed his fist beside Houston's head.

"Shut the fuck up," he whispered breathlessly.

Houston swallowed. "She came down to the docks with you sometimes. She was a good kid. We all liked her. Made you less...you."

Lev walked away, glancing down. "Did you hear me? The only reason I'm not kill you...is because you didn't hurt her. This is my last warning. I want you gone."

"I bet it's real quiet when you get home now." Houston called.

Lev narrowed his eyes, turning around, putting his arm against Houston's throat. "You don't know what you're dealing with. Keep my daughters name out of your mouth."

Houston swallowed roughly. "You're crying. And you're speaking Russian. I don't speak it."

Lev spit next to his foot. "It's the fucking water you piece of shit. You want me to kill you, huh?"

Houston looked at him with dead eyes.

"You do," Lev scoffed. "You feel guilty. Well, kill yourself. I'm too busy."

Lev closed his eyes, and cleared his throat, before forcing himself to smile.

"Shower time is over."

He trudged back to his cell. Jean looked at him in concern. "You okay, Lev?"

He stared out and nodded. Jean recognized this person. This was the beast. Lev cleared his throat.

"What did you gather?" He asked instead of answering the question.

"I hear the docks are forming a coup," Jean started slowly. "They're gonna raid the mansion in a months time."

Lev nodded, putting his hands behind his head.

"Happy birthday, Lev," Jean whispered.

Lev closed his eyes. "Yeah...thanks." He bit his lips. Swallowed the acid that threshed to come up, like it always did when he was angry. He tried to close his eyes but instead of darkness, he just saw his baby.

So he opened them.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not particularly. I'll forget again soon. Just gotta get to tomorrow." He whispered.

"If you let yourself remember it chere...maybe it wouldn't be so haunting."

And to that Lev said nothing, because he knew he had nothing nice to say.

"I wish I'd seen you when you were young," Jean whispered, looking at the ceiling.

Lev snorted. "Why?"

"Sometimes you seem like a lost little boy. I wonder if I could've helped you, back then. Maybe you'd know your way now," Jean whispered.

Lev smiled. "I think...if you were able to take care of little Lev, I would've been in a much different person. And perhaps I am lost. But the lost are free."

Jean raked his brows. "Free...free to do what? To go where?"

Lev swallowed. "I'll be going home soon. Mikhail will need me. I'll get you out too. Give you some money, some place start—"


"All I ask, Jean is two things. One: love your life well. Find love. And two...don't contact me. I'm no good for you."

Jean flinched and nodded. "No you're not."

"Lev, you've got a visitor,"

He stood putting his hands in his pockets. "That'll be mine. Call me home. This day just got better. I get to see him beg."

Lev walked behind the guard with a whistle, his heart pounding. The inmates Kerrie's and whistles but Lev paid them no mind. He was escorted to a small room. Mikhail stood on the other side of glass.

Lev smirked, and picked up the phone. "Well? Are you here to tell me I'm a prophet?"

Mikhail sighed and rolled his eyes, his dark hair mused and I'm his face, resting at his shoulders now.

"Why haven't you cut your hair?" Lev nodded. "And where's the munchkin?"

Mikhail rolled his eyes once more. "We gonna talk about the actual issue?"

Lev smirked noting the bruises on his eye. "Like the fact you got your ass beat?" Lev shook his head tsking slowly. "Not acceptable for my husband."

"You should see the other guy."
"I better not. I'd expect him to be...lost at sea." Lev smirked.

"How hard are you gonna make this?" Mikhail grunted.

"Very," he whispered back.

Mikhail heaved a sigh, setting the phone down, getting on his knees. He looked up at Lev through the glass, those blue eyes staring cold as ice on him.

"Please," he whispered "Please come home early."

Lev smiled, licking his lips. "Again."

"Please come home Lev," Mikhail said breathlessly. "Come on...don't make me keep begging."

Lev's eyes narrowed on Mikhail's form. He leaned forward, nodding at him to pick up the phone. Mikhail stood, adjusting his suit.

"Fuck me, you love humiliating me don't you," Mikhail blushed.

"Not as much as you love it," Lev nodded at his bulge. Mikhail shifted and looked away his blush deepening.

"I'm not quite satisfied. I intended to be here a year."

Mikhail looked away. "Fuck. What do you want me to say, Lev? Daddy, daddy, help me?"

Lev shrugged. "That'll do it. I'll be home in ten days max. Get on the phone with the lawyer, and get access to the funds. You know which ones."

Mikhail nodded.

"She still there?" He asked after a moment.

Mikhail nodded.

"Get yourself ready. Both of you. Don't tell anyone of my return. Not even her. And Mikhail?"

Mikhail glanced up at him.

He smirked, standing. "You're so cute when you beg."

He hung up the phone, holding his hands out to be cuffed, before being led away. Mikhail just watched him, the phone still pressed to his ear.

"Fuck." He whispered breathlessly.

Brothers Romanoff [MMF]Where stories live. Discover now