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"You promised," Mikhail accused as soon as Lev walked into the door, his gloved hands on his collar as he rolled his eyes.

"I promised," Lev mocked him. "Did I hurt her? It was just a playful jest—"

Mikhail stood, slapping him across the face, the clap of his and making contact with Lev's pale cheek seeming to echo in the mansion, the accusatory frown on Mikhail's face making him narrow his eyes.

Lev's cheek turned pink. He touched it.

"I really like her. I don't want you fucking with her," Mikhail frowned.

Lev blinked and smiled. "You forget yourself, Mikhail."

"I've forgotten nothing," he hissed. "I agree to your twisted games but she didn't."

Lev smiled. "You have such a soft spot for her. I see why. Her body is a masterpiece and she has a face for missionary—"

Mikhail raise his hands once more but Lev's fist wrapped around Mikhail's wrist.

"Touchy, touchy," Lev said coldly. "Maybe I need to investigate what makes her so...dear to you. Mh? Should I get to know her too?"

Mikhail scoffed, pressing a knife to Lev's throat deftly. "Don't test me," he whispered.

Lev scoffed, reaching out. Mikhail narrowed his eyes waiting. Lev cupped his cheek, raising his face, as Mikhail's knife drew a drop of blood. "Okay, Mikhail. Okay. How will you react when she upsets you? Draw a knife on her?" Lev pushed the knife aside. "You need to watch your temper. She's a delicate person," he lulled.

Mikhail let his forehead drop against Lev's shoulder. "I like her, Lev. Really."

Lev narrowed his eyes, rubbing Mikhail's back gently. "Okay now. There, there Mikhail it's okay. I'll be nice I promise hm?"

"Don't act like I'm crying or some shit," Mikhail murmured against his shoulder.

"You are such a cry baby," Lev chuckled, stroking Mikhail's black hair. "You were when we were little and even now. It's okay."

Mikhail closed his eyes, enjoying Lev's warmth. He was sadistic, and a know it all asshole who was deceitfully pretty for how despicable he was. But that wasn't the Lev Mikhail knew. The Lev Mikhail knew was his best friend, who gave him his name, and offered his hand whenever he tripped and fell. Kissed his head when he cried.

The world had crafted him into a darker, worse version of himself but a part of his heart glowed red, the last light, struggling to beat, made a distinct sound. Mikhail's name. His one weakness. The holder of his humanity.

"You'll talk to her? She makes me happy. I want you to approve of her, Lev. I want you to accept her."

Lev frowned deeply. Mikhail never pled with him for much. But it was 3 times, 3 times he'd begged him for this woman, this random woman.

"Is it so important?" Lev murmured. "I wonder...is she more important than me? Does she even know? About me? About us?"

Mikhail shivered. "Not yet."

"Hm...I worry for the state of your heart, Mikhail. The world hasn't changed as much as you think since we were children. Before you fall any further..."

Mikhail leaned closer to Lev. "Which means...I don't think we should...until she knows. It's be wrong—"

Lev rolled his eyes. "Yes yes. You and your moral compass. Get down to the docks. We have a shipment coming in and I want you there personally, eyes on it."

Mikhail lifted his head, adjusting his suit. Lev pushed his hand away, smoothing down his collar with a soft look on his face.

"You give 'em hell, baby." Lev smirked. "Be home by 9. I'm making dinner."

Mikhail narrowed his eyes turning around. "Don't you mean the chef is making dinner?"

Lev shrugged nonchalantly. "I pay him don't I? And Mikhail?"


"I'll be nice to your girl." Lev murmured. "It's a promise. Da?"

Mikhail nodded softly. "Da."

Lev sat at the couch pointed by the door, rolling his ankles as it shut behind Mikhail. He inhaled softly, shaking his head. This woman. Now he was intrigued. Now he was desperate to know more.

There was a knock at the door. Lev frowned, marching toward his hand on his gun. "Da?"

Lev opened the door, finding a now familiar frame. "You."

Xiomara sighed, brushing her wet hair back. "Fucks sake it's you. Where is Mikhail? I can fed his phone—"

Lev leaned against the doorway. "Mikhail had business to do. He'll be indisposed until 9. He gave you our address?"

Xiomara rolled her eyes. "Of course you live with him."

Lev smiled walking away. Xiomara ventured into the large home cautiously looking around.

"We got off on the wrong foot. I'm very protective of my Mikhail. He's got a soft heart, easy to take advantage of." Lev explained half-heartedly.

"I have to take care of him, protect him and that soft heard of his," he smiled softly.

Xiomara was swaddled in the scent of clean, rich men. They had this...scent, both of them. Clean and rich was the only way she could describe it. Like crisp dollar bills and laundry detergent with the a hint of cologne.

"Could I interest you in some tea? My chef isn't in until 3 so I can't offer any real refreshments. What brings you to our home?"

He glanced her. Her clothing and hair drenched. "My apartment's pipes bursted. Landlord says no one can come fix it till next weekend and all the fucking hotels are booked. At least the ones without roaches. So..."

She sighed. "There's rooms tomorrow, I just...need somewhere for tonight. I thought–"

"That Mikhail lived alone," Lev finished. "He's never alone. I'm his shadow. Always behind him, doing the darker things that need doing."

Xiomara narrowed her eyes. "Yeah that's not creepy at all. You have a strong accent."

Lev nodded sitting down at the table, offering her to sit. She did so.

"Hm. Mikhail and I left Russia when we were teenagers."

Xiomara's gaze flicked up as a woman served tea in the waiting porcelain.

"You're brothers? You don't look alike." She remarked.

He smiled. "We are not related. We're friends. Coworker. Roommates. We've been together for a long time."

Xiomara smiled softly. "That's...kinda sweet actually."

Lev smiled at her. When he wasn't being a weirdo, he was beautiful. His hair shone like the sun, his eyes piercing but gorgeous like ice. With that, small, comforting smile, someone could easily be convinced that he was a good man.

"So what's your major malfunction? You like him or something?"

"Of course I do. I fucked him more than you." Lev remarked calmly, sipping his tea even as Xiomara choked on hers.

"...You're joking?" Xiomara asked.

Lev just smiled saying nothing before chuckling. "Of course. Of course just another one my...ill timed jokes. Mikhail tells me I need to stop trying."

"I agree," she smiled tightly. "I'm assuming you're letting me stay the night then?"

"Any girlfriend of Mikhail's is a girlfriend of mine," he stood. "Pick a room, and I'd advise you stay in it until he comes back."

Lev waved his hand, walking away. "Make yourself at home. Take a shower you're drenched and frankly, dear you reek."

She looked down at herself with a frown. "Uh...yeah thanks–"

She looked up finding him gone. She shivered shaking her head.

Xiomara had a sneaking suspicion she'd made a mistake coming to this mansion.

Brothers Romanoff [MMF]Where stories live. Discover now