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Xiomara looked out the window, trying to triangulate her position. Lev didn't bother her, as they rode toward their destination. The car came to a sudden stop.

"You should let me go," she whispered to Lev. "I'm not the kind of animal you should cage."

Lev said nothing. He slide out of the car, adjusting his suit, holding his hand out. She sighed, slapping it away, her combat boots slamming on the docks. Mikhail stood at the edge of the docks. Lev pulled her back.

"You don't wanna get closer. He's on edge." Lev admonished. His usual smirk was gone, his eyes clouded over in wariness.

Mikhail looked down at the gun in his hand, depositing three bullets in the chamber. The docks went quiet.

All eyes were on Lev but he stayed back.

"Who was it again?" Mikhail asked calmly.

Lev shrugged. "Can't remember."

Mikhail said nothing for a moment. Then he raised his gun, swiftly executing the three men on the docks. "They're all replaceable anyway. Let's just go."

Lev licked his lips before bringing his finger to them, shaking his head at Xiomara, indicating her to be silent.

Mikhail sat in the front seat, his dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Xiomara looked between the two before smiling softly.

"Okay, fine. It's my fault. I was...harsh. Let's all just go home." She said calmly, looking out the window. "We don't have to fight."

Mikhail was silent, his eyes closed. It would've been nice. If he could've believed her.

Lev cut his eyes at Mikhail. "Mikhail," he said, speaking in low, thick Russian. "You're not me. You have a heart."

Mikhail just chuckled. Xiomara narrowed her eyes. 

"That so?" He said finally, as the car slowed in front of the mansion. Her door opened, and there stood Mikhail, his gloved hand extended.

Lev stretched to his full height, groaning as he stretched his long limbs, the moonlight shining on his blonde locks.

Xiomara took his hand, wrapping her arms around him. "Sometimes I get too close and lash out. I shouldn't have said those things," she whispered, kissing his cheek.

Mikhail offered a small smile, tucking her under his arm as they walked toward the house, Lev strutting behind them, his hands behind his head.

He thought to himself that even Mikhail was not naive enough to believe a word she said.

"Mh. I made mistakes too," He nodded, his hands around her waist.

Lev rolled his eyes. But of course, he was.

"So you forgive me," Xiomara grinned, her hand on his chest.

"Nothing to forgive," Mikhail murmured, opening the door to the manor.

"Yeah, yeah kiss and make-up, what's for dinner? I'm fucking starving," Lev grumbled.

He strayed toward the kitchen, but Mikhail and Xiomara stayed behind in the foyer, a silent battle between the two.

"You love dangerously," She said. He fell into the couch, grabbed her hand, pulling her into his lap. Her legs rested on either side of him, her hands on his face.

"I do everything dangerously. I'm just...quieter about it. Are we still...friends at least. Can you forgive me?" He asked, brushing her temple, with his leather glove.

She closed her eyes and nodded. "Of course, Mikhail."

His hands rested on the curve of her back. "So you'll stay?"

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