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Lev washed himself off, smoothing his hair back from his face, the water under him tinted red.

"Mikhail is upset at you," Xiomara said softly leaning against the door to the bathroom.

Lev didn't open his eyes. "You live here now or something?"

She shrugged. "Do you think I could go home after that stunt you pulled?"

Lev narrowed his eyes. "I don't what you've been told, but you haven't known me long enough to lecture me."

"How long is long enough. You've known Mikhail twenty years. You won't listen to him."

"You don't have to understand me, milaya. But I have needs." He said over the shower, the warm water cleansing the soap and blood away.

The shower door opened but Lev didn't mind it. It closed behind her. Her heat intensified the small space.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't we meet your needs?" Xiomara asked her hands wrapping around his length. The man opened his eyes, glancing down at her.

Her lips brushed his tip flirtatiously. "Mikhail worries about you. Says you want to go back to prison."

"And? What if I do?" He grunted, as she worked her hands up and down his dick, making it grow in her hands.

"We'd miss you. Mikhail especially."

Lev twitch in her hand, shifting, resting his back against the shower wall. "Mikhail will understand."

"Hm...how many times have you said that?"  She whispered, taking him into her mouth for a moment. Lev's fingers gripped Xiomara's hair roughly, forcing her further down.

She pulled back. "Can you not be in control of this one thing?" She asked somewhat testily, her eyes narrowing, her hand going to her already sore throat.

Lev gave her once over but nodded.

Xiomara sighed, beginning her handiwork once more.

"It's just...can't you put it off? Whatever this is for a little longer?"

Lev narrowed his eyes. "It's not the kind of thing you press later on, milaya."

She sighed, her breath causing his cock to twitch. Why was she being such a tease? And where we Mikhail? He could've very well had this exact conversation with him.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, kissing his tip once more.

"So? You're a solider. Maybe I can hire you to stay at home," She mused.

He smirked. "You couldn't afford me, Milaya. Far richer have tried."

"Mikhail, says you'll sell your own out for a little bit of cash."

"Incorrect. I'll sell my own out for a lot of cash. There is a difference. But not you two. Never you two." He grunted, as she took her deeper into his mouth, surpassing her gag reflex.

Lev closed his eyes, leaning against the wall with a groan. She was good.

"You gonna get me off?" He urged, she pulled back taking a deep breath.

"You gonna agree to my terms?"

He frowned. "Are you trying to negotiate my future with a fucking blowjob?"

"As I understand it all the greats do it? So? We have a deal."

He chuckled, pushing her aside gently, turning off the water. "No, milaya. I don't know if you've seen me, but I could walk on a street and get ten blowjobs without leveraging my future."

She followed after him, her clothes soaked. "Then what?"

He waved his hand. "This does not concern you."

"It concerns me." Mikhail shrugged from the doorway.

Lev rolled his eyes, pulling a towel off the rack, wrapping it around his waist. "There a party in the bathroom now?"

Xiomara pulled herself on the bathroom sink, and Mikhail stood between her legs. Lev stood beside them in front of the sink, pulling out his razor.

"Both of you get off my dick. Or get it on it, but shut the fuck up either way." He grumbled.

Mikhail scoffed. "No...Lev. You need to choose."

"You giving me an ultimatum...boy?" Lev glared at him from the corner of his eye.

Mikhail narrowed his eyes. "Just who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"

Lev chuckled. "So you get some pussy and you think it gives you a backbone. Well let me remind you: I break backbones."

Mikhail closed the distance, grabbed the razor in Lev's hand with a frown. "You threatening me?"

Lev looked between his eyes and closed his own.

"You've lost your fucking mind, Lev. Really. Truly, da? To speak to me this way?"

"I'm sorry," Lev murmured.

"Damn right you are," Mikhail hissed. "With all this shit I put up with and you threaten me?"

Lev sighed. "Can I shave in peace, Mikhail?"

"If you go to prison again when you get out you will not have a marriage or girlfriend or this house or anything else that I built. Do you understand, Lev?"

Lev clenched his jaw. "I can't keep it in. I need to let it out, why won't you let me get it out?"

"What if he just went in for a year?" Xiomara suggested.

The two looked at her suddenly. She looked away from the intense gazes. "You have top notch lawyers right, and crooked cops and money or whatever, so you don't have to go to prison at all. But if you really want to, you could schedule something like a...vacation but for absolute fucking lunatics."

Lev shrugged. "I could—"

"No," Mikhail said sternly. "I stand by what I said. Go in again, and you will be the only Romanoff in the Brothers Romanoff." Mikhail tapped his knife against Lev's chest. "I promise you that."

Mikhail dropped it into the sink. "Let us go, Mara. I think he needs to do some thinking."

Mara hesitantly followed after Mikhail, glancing back at Lev who stood, almost shocked still, staring in the mirror.

Xiomara smile hopefully. Maybe he was really thinking about what was important to him. The door closed behind her.

"She didn't even get me off,"

Brothers Romanoff [MMF]Where stories live. Discover now