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The door opened and although it was nearly 5 am, Xiomara ran toward the two, throwing herself into Mikhail's arms. He smiled fondly down at her.

"Xiomara. I'm sorry to leave you, flower."

Her smile fell flat as she cleared her throat. "What was so urgent?"

Mikhail glanced at Lev. "It was nothing of import."

Xiomara put her arms around Mikhail's neck. He picked her up, swirling her around with a smile. "My perfect little flower," he murmured, giving her a kiss.

"Yeah, yeah, let's move the festivities elsewhere, namely, outta my fucking way, da?" Lev said his voice dripping with boredom.

"Someone's bitchy," Xiomara remarked. Lev scoffed cursing. Mikhail looked after him and narrowed his eyes, setting Xiomara now.

"You wanna just go? Hm? Why don't you? Take a little vacation," Mikhail suggested, on edge.

Lev ran his fingers through his hair. "Do not fucking test me right now, Mikhail I am not in the mood to pull my punches."

Xiomara edged back, watching the two men go at it.

"Why don't we get the cops on the phone? Office Suarez that's who took you in last time right? Didn't you fuck him? I'm sure he'd be happy to come back—"

Lev scoffed. "Surely you're not ridiculing me about fucking someone else in front of your concubine? No offense, sweetheart."

Xiomara shrugged. It fit.

"Why aren't we enough—why am I not enough to keep you here?"

"I thought we were done talking about this," Lev murmured.


"We are done...talking about this." Lev pronounced, walking away.

Mikhail looked after him until he disappeared from view scoffing. "Just run away. It's what you do. Run and fight; fight and run."

"At least I do something other than cry, Mikhail. One of us has to fight," Lev's voice floated through the hallways.

"Are you two...okay?" Xiomara asked, putting her hand on his back.

"Yes," Mikhail said, his voice empty. "Perfectly." He clenched his jaw. Xiomara strayed toward the kitchen pouring two glasses and bringing it over. She kissed his head, setting it in front of him, before exploring the hallway, looking for Lev.

"I brought you some alcohol. Looked expensive," she called into the darkness.

A hand took her, startling her, the cop falling from hands. Lev caught it, bringing it to his lips.

"Why did you two invite into a relationship that's falling apart," she mused, watching Lev undress. He unbuttoned his dress shirt, glass on the dresser. The room came into view, a bedroom it seemed they shared.

One side was tidy the other messy. She could hazard a guess as to which side was whose.

"Because Mikhail seems to think if more people can tie me down he can avoid the inevitable." Lev shrugged, throwing his shirt on the floor.

Xiomara picked it up, folding it, sitting in the middle of the bed.

"And...what's that?"

Lev sighed and looked at her. "Look...you're only a month in. These are problems you don't need. Keep seeing Mikhail. But this? Us? We're a fucking mess, sweetheart. And we're not getting any better. He's happy with you."

Xiomara smoothed the folded shirt in her hand. "But I like you. I like you both. I don't like being alone. And you two are the opposite of alone."

"It's your choice," He stated, throwing his pants down, tugging some sweat pants on. "But it gets uglier. 20 years we've been together, since before the word marriage meant anything but rings on tv."

Xiomara laid back on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Then what's the issue? Where's your psychobabble when you need it, Lev?"

"The issue is I'm an animal. I am a wild animal. And he thinks he can keep me as house pet. And for a while he has. But a wild animal will always return to its nature. And leave it's owner scarred."

Xiomara's brow dipped. "We've gone from elementary psychobabble to middle school cryptic takes on common analogies."

Lev smirked. "Don't get too cocky, Xiomara. Be careful. I do bite."

"Lev I'm sorry I—" Mikhail paused at the atmosphere.

"It's fine, baby." Lev muttered. "I was wrong."

"Yes..." Mikhail smiled. "You were."

"Piece of fucking shit," Lev rolled his eyes good naturedly a smile on his face. Mikhail threw himself into Lev's arms hugging him.

"No...you're a piece of shit," Mikhail murmured.

"I'm sorry is this how you two flirt?" Xiomara mused. "This is terrifying. It's a terrifying thing to watch happen."

Lev put his hands in Mikhail's pockets. "If you don't want to see us flirt, how about you watch us fuck?"

Mikhail's cheeks went bright red. "Lev you pig! What the hell?! I'm sorry, Mara. He thinks with his dick—"


Mikhail paused. "Hm?"

Xiomara shrugged. "It'd nice to know what I'm getting into. Be hot too. I don't mind if you don't."

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