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"You know Lev's father didn't like me," Mikhail smiled, his arm around Xiomara. "He thought we were more than friends and he hated me at first. Used to call me...not so nice words. But it all worked out in the end." He stood stretching.

Xiomara raised her brow. "...he came around?"

Mikhail chuckled. "Oh no. He died. He died a horrible horrible death. Think...meat grinder."

Xiomara's nose crinkled at the thought but she shrugged. "So is this your way of asking to meet the parents?"

Mikhail smiled and shook his head. "No. Lev's birthday is coming up. We usually have a little something but since he's...away I was wondering if you'd celebrate with me."

Xiomara blinked. "Celebrate his birthday without him?"

Mikhail shrugged, pouring himself a drink. "It's the best way. He's a brat on his birthday. He'll be 32 this year."

Xiomara did some quick math. "Then you came here to the states when you were teenagers?"

Mikhail nodded. "We were about 15 years old. Katya was 6. She was ours. We raised her but she was Lev's baby sister. We were all she knew though, so she called us Papa." He smiled. "Anyway I was going to light a candle, throw a cake together," he shrugged.

"Why don't you call him?" Xiomara urged.

Mikhail waved her off. "No, no it's fine I don't—"

"Can I call him?"

At her insistence he sighed, and dialed the number. The king rang 9 times. Mikhail's eye twitched.

"The asshole is in his cell 20 hours a day what could he be doing to not pick up his damn phone?" He grumbled.

"Huh?" Lev answered. "M busy."

Mikhail gritted his teeth. "Hey you asshole, where do you get off—"

"I hear it's your birthday today?"

"That the munchkin?" Lev grunted, lighting a cigarette.

"Who else would it be?"

Lev swallowed. "It's my birthday. So what?"

Mikhail narrowed his eyes in irritation. Every time he went in he had such a bad attitude.

"So...happy birthday. I would ask if you have a stick up your ask but considering..." she drawled.

"Hey, hey now, I'm a top no matter where I am, little one.  This must've been your idea."

She smiled.

"Don't have any more."
"Any more what?"
Lev blew out a plume of smoke. "Ideas."

Xiomara's eye twitched in synchrony with Mikhail.

"Since you're clearly on your period or something well you go. Happy birthday, Lev,"

"Hey, before I go." Lev called. "I get the feeling one of you two might need me. I want him to beg."

Mikhail pulled the phone out of Xiomara's hands. "What the hell are you on about now?"

Lev blew out another plume of smoke and Mikhail swallowed his remark about him leaving that shit in prison.

"You're gonna need me to come out early," Lev said. "And I will. If you come beg me."

"Like hell I'm begging you for anything," Mikhail gritted.

Lev chuckled. "Come on sweetheart, you begged me for her. All you gotta do is get on your hands and knees and earnestly beg, and I'll come right home to you, da?"

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