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Xiomara was fine.

For all intents and purposes, she was fine. Though it had felt like hours, she had spent four minutes and 11 seconds in the water before Mikhail reached her, dragging her to safety. She stopped being able to hold her breath at 2 minutes and 47 seconds and started drowning.


But by that time, Mikhail was pulling her up, out of the water, saving her life and saving her brain function.

Or so the doctors said. Xiomara said nothing, still, her eyes unseeingly pointed at the window. One of them stayed with her at all times, the other handling business, before they swapped.

Xiomara's stay in the hospital was shortlived, but her silence was not.

Mikhail was standing by the door, his hair long and messy, stubble on his jaw.

"Lev doesn't now. He doesn't have to." Mikhail swallowed roughly.

She said, as usual nothing, her eyes fixed on the wall.  Mikhail heaved a sigh.

"Moia," he said softly, touching her hand. "It is not your emotions that did this."

She glanced at him, sitting up and turning around, letting her legs hand off the side of the bed

"It was bad luck," he cupped her cheek. "Just a bit of bad luck. Not because you were angry. It's okay to be angry. Scream. Cry. If we betrayed that we and we didn't—but if we did...Mara you deserve your revenge."

She stared at him, listening intently.

He sat next to her. "But don't shut us out. We can test the pills. We'll do a lie detector test. I know we can be...evil. But not to you. You're a Romanoff."

Her lips parted, parched, tired from words she hadn't spoken.

"What's my favorite color?" She asked.

He cocked his head. "Purple."

Her lips tugged up and she nodded. "Yeah...it is."

He squeezed her hand, and the door opened. Lev heaved a heavy, tired sigh. "That bastard slipped out my hands again. I'm gonna tie him up by his—"

He glanced between the two a wide smile spreading on his face. "You're talking?"

She nodded gently, extending her other hand. Lev rushed to grab her, sitting on the floor next to Mikhail, leaning against the bed, his his blue eyes peering up at her. She looked deeply into them.

Mikhail grabbed his other hand and they sat there, together, with so much to say, but nothing seemed right.

Lev closed his eyes. He wanted to apologize for freezing. He never did. He always knew what to do. But watching her fall like that, he could only think:

How could this be fair? To lose two people he loved in the same spot? He was so afraid.

Terrified. And that fear rooted him in his spot.

"When he first met you...he was making sonnets about you," Lev said instead with a smirk. "It pissed me off. But I guess you must be the kind of women people write sonnets about. Because I love you too."

Xiomara stroked Mikhail's hair, his puppy dog eyes glistening up at her. "It's gotten so long."

"Should I cut it?"

Xiomara shook her head. "It's nice."

Mikhail leaned his head against her hand, and Lev followed his lead, nuzzling her, her head leaned against the hospital bed, her hands resting on them. They reminded her of puppies in this moment, like two tigers she'd tamed.


But the thing about wild animals, is that no matter how much you think you've tamed them, how much you think they love you, they are still animals.

And they can turn on you.

Still, she smiled softly.

They were cute, at least, until the moment they ripped her to shreds and feasted on what was left. But such was nature. It was unavoidable, and it was best to accept your fate quickly.

"It's okay," she whispered softly.

They peered up at her, eyes wide and twinkling.

"...it's all okay. It'll be fine."

And no one believed her, but that was okay, because the Romanoffs were three once again, as if they always had been.

"Come home with us," Lev whispered.
"Please," Mikhail chimed in.
She sighed softly. "Home..."

Was it her home? And wouldn't this just happen again in some way? They were dangerous, that much was clear. Wouldn't she just end up running into the same problem?

"Yes," Lev stood, brushing her hand. "Home. It's safer at home. With us."

Mikhail stood as well kissing her cheek. "I'll get you signed out. I'm your husband this round. We'll take you home."

Xiomara just sighed. They always just did whatever the hell they wanted. But of course they did. They were the Romanoffs.

"This seat taken?"

Xiomara froze, looking up, to find a somewhat familiar figure.

"Who are you?"

"That is a loaded question," he smirked. "I'm the one who had you shot. And let me tell you," he grinned. "Watching those two idiots try to save you was amusing."

Xiomara narrowed her eyes, but said nothing.

"I'll offer you a deal. In a few months I'll contact you. Ask you do me a little favor. Do it, and I'll save you. Don't...and I'll murder you too."

Xiomara looked down. "I don't have power over them. I can't make them do anything. I'm no use to you."

Alessandro shook his head standing. "Now that is the worst thing you say to me. That you're useless. Besides...you underestimate yourself. Those two are monsters...I guess that makes you the bride of Frankenstein."

"And what about you?" She asked softly

He paused.

"I hope...you don't have anyone you care about. There's two of them after all."

Alessandro chuckled. "Bride of Frankenstein indeed," he murmured, leaving the room.

A few moments passed, Lev and Mikhail entered the room. "Are you ready,"

She nodded. "Yes. Yes let's get out of here now," She stood, her knees weakening. Mikhail reached out, steadying her.


Lev looked around the room. "Did someone come in here?"

Mikhail waved his hand. "Not now, Lev. Look at her, she's ill. Come on Mara." He helped Xiomara out of the room.

Lev however, lingered, narrowing his eyes, before shutting the door.

Brothers Romanoff [MMF]Where stories live. Discover now