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"Did Mikhail tell you my little hobby," Lev whispered, squatting in front of the officer, who shivered.

He shook his head gently.

Lev grinned. "Mh. I like to read people. You can tell a lot about a person based on what they wear, how they move, and what they have on them. Want me to read you?"

The officer trembled.

Lev took that as a yes.

"I think someone pushed you into this career. Your father maybe. When you feel endangered you don't reach for your gun, or your taser, you reach for your phone. Like you want to call someone who belongs in this profession—someone who can actually help."

The man's eyes trailed Lev as he circled around him like a predator.

"You cling to your bulletproof vest, tugging on it, trying to remind yourself it's there, that you're safe, but you only think that because they don't train you well," Lev pulled out a silver bullet, putting it to his nose. "Armor piercing rounds. AP bullets go through Kevlar like paper, sneaking through your vest and exploding in your body for maximum damage."

Officer Fields was sure he was not going to make it alive. He closed his eyes.

"You don't really believe in god, but you were raised catholic and there's no atheist in foxholes, huh?"

"Do...whatever you're going to do and get it over with," Fields trembled.

Lev paused, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Do you think you're in a position to be giving me orders right now, boy?"

He chuckled. "Wake up and smell the blood in the water," Lev leaned in close, inhaling deeply his cheek against Fields, lowering his voice to a whisper. "It's yours."

Officer Fields had one job. To investigate the docks, and find out what was going on. The paperwork for this area was always shoddy, leaving out important, and incriminating details. A group of officers decided to investigate.

Clearly, this was a bad idea. They had stumbled directly into the devil's mouth.

And he was about to hinge it closed.

"So how close am I?" Lev grinned.

Fields nodded, shaking.

"Alright," Lev stood. "So now what do with you? It's just you and me. My leash is sound asleep, next to his flower. Nothing to hold me back."

Lev paced, circling him over and over. Why couldn't he just do it? He'd picked up Mikhail's phone, slipped away while he and Xiomara slept soundly.

And yet...he gnashed his teeth. He couldn't lash out. He couldn't do what he wanted. He sighed and stood, leaning against the dock post, watching the sea.

"I want to kill you," Lev remarked, looking out at the expanse. "It would really make me happy."

"I just realized imma gonna die," Officer fields croaked.

Lev raised his brows, not looking back. "Just now?"

"I mean I knew but I haven't thought about it. Is it gonna hurt?"

"If I do it right, yeah," Lev remarked evenly. "If I do it at all."

Lev sighed, pulling out his gun. "I think I will. I just...well I fucking hate cops. So nosy. And the dirty ones...well, pig suits em. I don't know which I hate worse. The dirty ones or the ones who think they're do gooders. Either way. You can all fucking die as far is I'm concerned."

Lev loaded his gun. "I haven't been able to let loose since '94. Do you know...how long I've been holding myself back?"

Lev shook his head. "Let's give your drift something to rally against. Give me something to do. Something to fight for."

He smirked, putting the cool metal against the officer's head. "Any last words?"


Lev shot off the bullet, watching it explode through his head, blowing out the back of his skull. He smiled softly.

He knew Mikhail would be upset at him. For what he'd started. Mikhail thought of the work they did as a necessary evil, but Lev...Lev liked it. He almost needed it. He'd been a soldier for a long time. He couldn't stop now. He couldn't stop every. He could hide it for a while.

But he needed it.

"He's gonna leave me for this," Lev muttered. "I think. Fuck."

Some men were addicted to the drugs they sold. Lev was addicted to the violence.

He sighed, leaning against the post. Mikhail's number popped up on his watch. As if he knew. And if he didn't who would?

"Hey," Lev said softly,

"Hey," Mikhail croaked, the tiredness coming through his voice.

"Will you always love me?" Lev asked soberly.
"Do you forgive me? For Katya?"
"...Mostly," Mikhail whispered.

Lev smiled. "I'll probably need to go away soon."
"I know."
"Wait for me?"
Mikhail glanced at Xiomara who slept soundly.
"I will."

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