seventy-eight: leo makes a fuck up then another fuck up then hazel yells

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aruna was the one that had told leo about the scheming. so, naturally, they specifically set out to be as suspicious as possible just to make everyone look like a bunch of fools.

and of course, piper had tried to catch them one last time before bed, but only found leo aggressively punching numbers into a calculator. she left awkwardly, and about four minutes later, leo went to aruna's room.

she was sitting on the bed, a book in her hands. she gently lowered it as leo walked over to her after making sure the door was trapped in place with a chair.

"they're ridiculous." aruna replied as she shuffled closer to the wall. leo sat down next to her, pulling his legs up to his chest. he smiled softly and nodded.

"they seriously thought they had something."  leo murmured as he looked at aruna. her eyes were still on her book, reading casually. she turned a page, her fingers gentle, like the flutter of a butterfly.

her lips were glossed over, somehow, or maybe leo was just imagining that. her eyes drifted across the page, then jumped back to the start of every new line. her hair was over her shoulders, glistening, soft as silk. her nose was red and curved out, small as a button.

he really did love her. he couldn't help staring at her. she turned another page, her eyes moving aside slightly more, and she seemed to notice leo's gaze.

she looked at him, leaning her head back a bit as she nervously chuckled and smiled.

"why are you looking at me like that?"

leo smiled.

"i think you're beautiful."

aruna's cheeks turned dark red and her pearly eyes widened. she quickly looked down, tugging at her old, stained shirt, like she couldn't imagine any beauty found in it. leo eyed the scars all over her arms, her legs, her neck. aruna looked back at her book and breathed in deeply.


leo snickered. "gods, why are you so nervous?"

"well, i'm not used to being called beautiful." aruna muttered. leo noticed her eyes had stopped scanning the pages. she wasn't even reading at this point.

"that's a strong word." she shrugged.

"okay? and?"

"well, i'm just saying." she muttered again. "stop staring at me."

"why? does it bother you?" leo grinned, turning it into a sort of game.

aruna glared at him. "you're an idiot."

leo pecked her cheek, which made aruna blush even more. a sort of smile slid up her face as she put her book down, her eyes still on it.

"you're an annoying idiot." aruna grinned as she stared at leo.

her eyes met him, and leo's heart stopped. he almost felt a rush of something like fear. he felt like she held the entire world in her hands. she was everything that ever was, everything that is, everything that ever will be. she was infinite. her beauty was endless. her smile could light up leo for an eternity. her touch set a permanent fire.

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