forty-seven: leo is sorry

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leo felt extremely sorry, and for several things, almost all of which had to do with aruna. he felt bad about the whole suspicious-of-the-emo thing from earlier, which had set off hazel and aruna quite well. he felt sorry that aruna had an encounter with the muse of tragedy, which brought up a whole bunch of emotions he was fairly certain she was refusing to show. and he felt bad about his table taking her dirty underwear, which technically wasn't his fault, but he still felt bad.

she had run off to her room shortly after their impromtu demigod council on deck. she was humming that song leo always heard her hum as she went, and he had tried to talk to her, but she slammed the door before he could even call her attention. and he was afraid that if he barged in, he'd see her naked or something and just be even higher on her shit-list, and so far, he was pretty high up there.

he'd talked to piper and jason about how he felt about her, how sorry he was and how he felt like she'd hate him forever. it ended with him stress-eating a grilled cheese and crying while jason and piper desperately tried to explain that one douche-bag move was not the end of everything. she just needed to blowup at him like she did with piper and jason that one time, and everything would be okay.

then, he made his awkward apology on deck in front of everyone, which was not the plan he had laid out with jason, and then aruna did her weird "i will study every corner of your life with a single look, and decide if you are damned to the lowest confines of hell or if you will get a bite of my burrito later" thing, and when she looked away, she didn't look enraged, so leo thought he was on her good side.

then, buford happened.

now, leo had been standing outside of her room for about ten minutes trying to decide if he should go in or not. several people had walked past him by this point, given him a weird look, and then shrugged and moved on.

"ah, he's just a lovesick weirdo in love with a girl wayyyyyy out of his league. this is typical." they seemed to say as they shrugged. they weren't wrong, but it still stung.

"kid, move on."

of course, it had to be coach hedge to say something.

leo looked at the coach, his face wrinkled a bit. "move on? i didn't do anything!"

"you've been standing there for like, an hour."

"no, i have no-"

"don't talk back!" hedge bleated as he pointed his bat at the much younger boy. "just shut up and go to your room."

"i don't want to go to my room."

"then... go eat or something!"

"i'm not hungry."

"well, i am!" and with that, hedge ran off to the kitchen. leo shook his head, his messy curls shaking as he wiped his tired eyes. he turned away, deciding that the old satyr was probably right, and he needed to move on.

then, of course, the door opened.

aruna stared at leo, her gaze almost judging. she wore a long pair of pants with a mariokart print, and a rather oversized hockey jersey for the dallas stars, which leo was almost 100% confident she did not watch, meaning this was probably stolen as well. he stood awkwardly in the hallway as aruna glared at him, her hair messy and somewhat damp, like she'd taken a shower and made a lady effort to towel-dry it.

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