forty: everyone finds out leo got to second, and they talk

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"gods of olympus, what happened to you?" piper gaped as leo, aruna, and hazel lumbered in with a large sheet of celestial bronze. aruna looked pale, but she had golden nectar dribbling from her lip, which was leo's poor attempt at making her feel better.

piper had every reason to be confused. leo's hair was weirdly frizzy because the water aruna had put in it had dried. he had welding goggles on his forehead, tattoos all over his arms, and a t-shirt that read HOT STUFF, BAD BOY, and TEAM LEO.

next to him, aruna looked just as bad. leo realized nobody had ever seen aruna in a cropped tank-top, which didn't even cover the tip of her belly button. she had a weird black smudge over her left breast, and written under her collarbone was MRS. VALDEZ and on her arm, BAD BOY'S PROPERTY.

"long story." leo replied as piper stared at aruna with wide eyes. she mouthed something at aruna.

no longer a virgin?

aruna went red.

not that.

"other's back yet?" aruna asked aloud.

"not yet." piper replied.

"shit." aruna muttered. she finally noticed jason sitting up, and she walked over to him happily despite feeling like she'd been beaten all over with a sledgehammer.

"buddy!" aruna gleamed. jason snorted as aruna gave him a fist bump.

"hey, man!" leo waved. "glad you're better. i'll be in the engine room."

he ran off with the sheet of bronze, leaving hazel in the doorway.

"team leo?" piper asked hazel.

jason's eyes went wide and he grinned like a kid in a candy shop.


he pointed at the black smudge on aruna's breast, which oddly looked like a handprint.

"that is a boob, grace."

"NOT THAT! WHY IS IT- DID LEO TOUCH A BOOB?!" jason yelled loudly with a wide smile. hazel hid her face again.

"long story short, we met narcissus." aruna groaned.

"HOW DOES THAT EQUAL TOUCHING A BOOB?!" jason asked, still smiling like an idiot.

"jason, shut up." aruna groaned.

"i am shocked he got to second base before he got to first." piper commented.

"it wasn't really hitting second." aruna said. "he had to do it to sell the point."

"huh? sell what?" piper asked.

"also, we met nemesis." hazel offered.

jason sighed. "damn, i miss all the fun. but, LEO HIT SECOND BASE?!"

one the deck above, something thudded. annabeth and percy came running down the hall, toting a five-gallon steaming bucket of black gunk that smelled horrible. percy was covered in it, and annabeth had some in her hair. a few seconds later, frank stumbled in.

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